Star Strip page 132

bravo1102 on Aug. 25, 2015

Da-tu wasn't out for the count after all. And just how serious will the injury from that loud crack be? Are we talking Bane and Batman here? These folks are light on their feet so they can do all kinds of flips and jumps. I'm into dynamic poses and setting them up is a challenge.

I discovered renders and photos for the last remaining set I was missing from TOS Enterprise The good old briefing room. I had a scene that could be set there but I didn't quite know what the thing was called so I could do an adequate search for it. I'm at that point in the script and wondering what background to use and then that was what I needed. I know none of this means anything to the non-trekkies out there but it adds to the possibilities in the script. I also found some images of the court-martial set so we may be seeing that in the future.

Once Star Strip is over the comic will go on hiatus and work will resume on Belle's Best. I got a couple of different things planned with behind the scenes stuff and the tale of Trish and her husband. (The fictional Bravo. His name really is Bravo as opposed to a screen name taken from the bumper code of my old unit in the Army)

Thank you to everyone for all your comments. They really mean a lot and I hope I can continue to put out a comic worthy of your support. Sometimes it ain't easy. imagine trying to construct a panel being interrupted every five minutes. That's how I do a lot of my work these days. I do most of my editing at work and my job has me running out to check id's of people entering the facility. Strange how I pay better attention to my surroundings looking at my laptop than if I was looking at my phone or even a book. Seems I have better sense of my surroundings looking at a bigger screen. And wouldn't you know those pesky scientist types have established that in the lab. Seems one is more into a smaller screen shutting out everything around one as opposed to a larger screen that allows for peripheral vision. Okay so everyone at a boring job, put away those phones and look at a screen, but have a little something to the side to keep your mind occupied so your attention doesn't wander. Got to keep the mind going after all.