choices are a thing of nothing.

Terminal on Feb. 16, 2007

This page is a very simple juxtaposition of various half-truths. See, as faith has it, and as desire, want, and greed need it. The right choice is never the right choice until the various factors ring in true. By the T block falling toward the side, a metaphor for ignoring life's various subdued requests for the monotone, it opened up one opportunity, and closed another. Excitement falls into place here. How? It's like cause and effect, the T block fell to the left, and created a massive change.

If the T block had fallen toward the bottom, then what would have happened? Who knows, I'm certain the line would have disappeared. What about that little extra block? That's defined as what cannot be changed. Impossible to move, impossible to break. Again, it returns to the cause and effect of things. Here, necessarily. The wrong choice was the good choice considering what the future has in store. By sacrificing one thing, you gain another.

Maybe in the end everything that you've ever accomplished turns out to being nothing. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Here it's the opposite, by choosing the wrong path, thus you opened up the right path for the future and everything else.

…that's your Tetris moral.