95. Strike Out on Our Own

antcomics on April 11, 2012

So…what do ya think they decided to do? >__>
I'm 5 pages away from 100 with this. My goal is to wrap up this “pilot” story very soon. That way, it finally comes to some closure and I am free to start on a Volume 2 or Book 2 or what have you. I plan on making that second one a lot shorter.
After some discussion with some of my Deviantart friends, I decided it was time to wrap this sucker up. I asked for a serious critique on this comic from them, and the biggest flaw this comic had, according to a few of them, was that it's so long. Most comic books are about 30 pages. I have seen graphic novels that were 100+ pages, but many comic readers seem to like the story to be pretty short and sweet. And maybe people don't really consider the Compozerz a graphic novel? I kind of do–I know it's a webcomic, but it is also a story. Not a series of strips.
I'm curious as to what you Duckers think about that?
Just out of curiosity I checked some graphic novels I had. One very well known one, Maus, was 130+ pages long. GI Joe Volume 1: over 180 pages.
The Compozerz Book Two will come after a bit of a break. I'd like to spin my wheels for a bit. But there will be one, and I am shooting for more like 40 or 50 pages
for that one.
For this one, I have an ending in mind. Ending a
comic is hard, but I'm going to try to end it as soon as I can without
making it look like I was in a hurry to end it. Know what I mean?
I appreciate you all sticking with me, even with my funky update schedule
(and the fact that I took a year and a half hiatus from this awhile
back.) (!!)
Thanks for reading!