Page 80

KimLuster on Feb. 21, 2013

Alright, had enough of New Orleans for a while - been there so many times now. Maybe again in a couple years….
So I read some forums where people talk about watercolor techniques and some in there say that ‘real’ watercolor artist never use black… Really now? I had been using heavy black in a sort of ‘inking’ manner, so now I try to do like the ‘purists’ say for this page (and the next). End up hating how it looks so I then go back and try to add heavy black after the fact. Lines are too thick here and there with little control. Oh well…. I'm still searching for my ‘look’.
Storywise, I've had dreams where I can do some pretty amazing physical things. In those dreams I swear I'm NOT dreaming and I'm ecstatic that I can do that stuff. But I've also had lucid dreams (a lucid dream is one where you're conscious in a manner and are actually aware that you are dreaming) and doing amazing stuff is fun in a game/movie way. Those never last long enough. The induced dreams in this story are supposed to so incredibly real that you have to have something to help you realize that it is indeed a dream - for Kimber Lee it's doing what she considers the ‘physically impossible’. It's her ‘totem’ (if you haven't seen the movie ‘Inception’ watch it soon…). Seems like rational thinking…. right?