Page 81

KimLuster on Feb. 21, 2013

Solipsism - the belief that one's own mind is all that really exist. All other ‘beings’ are but figments of one's own mental world. Very young babies are Solipsist. So are people with certain abnormal mental conditions or who have very odd belief systems. The thing about solipsism, though, is that you can never completely logically prove to a Solipsist they are wrong. In fact, you can't really prove, using pure logic, that you shouldn't be one.
Most of us believe that other entities, other minds, are real, but ultimately it's an assumption. The correct assumption, I believe, but an assumption nonetheless. Other entities, real or not, can make your life better (or less painful), so it sorta pays to treat them as real *snicker*
As for this page, I dunno if I scanned on some wrong setting, but it's much lighter, more ‘airy’ than I prefer (this story is too serious for pastel looks haha). Made skin too ‘orangey’ too. Still searching…
Thanks for reading, everyone :)