Page 180

KimLuster on May 12, 2014

So I bought these water pens. Hollow tubes you fill with water, with a brush tip on the end, and it stays moist constantly. “Watercolor never was easier!” goes the sales tag. I'm all for easy so I snatched some up…
They're sorta interesting, but very uncontrollable. It's very difficult to vary the amount of water you apply, but I'm stubborn, so I forced my way to the finish with this page. It's fairly obvious where everything bled and puddled…
So another art experiment to cast to the wayside! I'll keep them - they seem to be somewhat useful for ‘lifting’ watercolor back out to produce lighter areas, and for pre-wetting large areas, but for applying paint directly - never again!
Story: Enjoy these little slice-of-life scenes for a couple more pages, cuz it's really gonna pick up speed soon, dammit! :))
Thanks for Reading Everyone!