Readers Choice Gratitude

KimLuster on Sept. 27, 2014

I've won some things before, prizes, awards… Some of them were more ‘important’, considering the stakes involved. Some were certainly more tangible (trophy, wall plague…), so… I'm not sure why the Deep Satisfaction I feel for winning the DD Reader's Choice may be greater than any of them. Maybe it has something to do with that fact that it's members of a community of which I'm a part of (the DD Community) that did the voting. Who know's? All I know is I'm just beside myself !!!
Alrighty, enough with the touchy-feely. Kimber Lee can be a little dramatic, and the Godstrain is largely a serious comic, but the Reader's Choice Award's got us feelin'… Sexy!!!
Thanks so much, Everyone, for supporing, voting, and reading!!!