Giratinasaur on Aug. 12, 2010

Happy Friday the Thirteenth, everybody! c:

That said, I'm sorry about the bad cropping, and it should be fixed by next page. On a more optimistic note - enter chibi Flareon gijinka desu!! 8DDDDDDDDDD NYA!!


Flareon, yes. That would be the chick with the fuzzy skirt. Flareon is basically a short red-furred fox thing with various tufts of cream hair around its head, neck, and tail… it also breathes fire. |D

1337 - Thanks. Admittedly I did try a sprite comic back in the day, but it was a PMD one and it was… kinda strange.
Dark Pascal - Thank you! o 3o I should have said this before, but the normal font is Action Man and the nice sorcerer-y title font is Starstruck.

EDIT: I've stopped trying to make Starstruck work as a navigation font and just went with tags instead. Woo!