08-19-09 The Last TV

CartoonistWill on Aug. 18, 2009

He's a lovable little imp. But a little slow.

Author's Note: Okay, as for the last note on the last strip… I did this one a little differently. I worked larger and then shrunk the image. Usually I shrink the line art after the scan but this time I completed the comic in that resolution and then shrunk it down. The total file size is 305 MB. Anyway, I cut some corners. I wasn't working very hard on this until I suddenly realized that I had lost sight of my true goal. To make an awesome web-comic updated daily? HECK NO! I want to publish and tell awesome funny stories! So as long as I get it done, it doesn't have to be daily web-published. But I do have to get out these issues or collected volumes or whatever on time, which would probably be a month for each. Usagi Yojimbo, a fave of mine, actually hits shelves every two months - or honestly whenever Stan Sakai feels like it! Yeah, my fan base isn't as assured yet. But here's to “GETTING IT DONE!”