08-24-09 Not Good For The TV's

CartoonistWill on Aug. 23, 2009

Wooh! Another strip done and this time a 6-panel! I wanted to get this done and posted by Sunday but things didn't work out. I'm not entirely satisfied with this one, so give some serious critiquing if you can. Thanks!

In other news I've been extremely busy lately. An animation I did for my local college was presented at last Thursday's intercollegiate staff meeting of which I attended and was recognized at. I was offered a job on campus as a Lab Tech supervisor in which I will be opening the lab for Digital Effects and Animation students and answering any questions they might have. Otherwise I'll be getting paid $11 an hour to sit on my butt and draw SuperMilo or surf the internet, ha ha. Life is sweet. Finally. I have also started classes again today for the semester; Survey of Mathematics and Video Game Design. Hopefully none of these things will interfere too much with the comic strip here.

Remember, a 6-panel is like two 3-panels which means it counts as two posts! w00t! …not really.