Page 6

Kristen Gudsnuk on March 14, 2009

Hey guys! I'm on SPRING BREAK!!! :D I have no plans whatsoever, and it's wonderful. Today I spent an inordinate amount of time doing this page; hours, actually. weird. usually it doesn't take me this long. I think it's because I was half-painting, half-hanging out with the family. I've been playing with the puppies non-stop, ever since I got home. We played fetch with sticks outside; it was fun. And I played basketball with Eric, my fourteen-year-old brother and he won : ( but I put up a good fight!

I'm really happy with how the last 2 panels came out. I really had a field day with the Saint Kazimieras panel.

Something insane: I had this odd, semi-obvious revelation: I miss Misfit Assassins terribly! I randomly started looking through the archive, and you know, the art wasn't THAT bad. Even the old hand-drawn parts may not have been totally beautiful to look at, but it got its point across and wasn't offensive to the eye (at least to me). And for all the literary writer that I purport myself to be, I don't think that I've managed to make such interesting characters and such suspenseful plot. I really loved my characters, I realize now. And the fact that there were people who really liked that comic really reinforced the idea that it's not as bad of a comic as I thought.
Someday when I have some extra time… maybe I'll pick up misfas again.

(that's after I finish the rest of my to-do list: finish this comic, get a job, write a novel, etc.)


ok WELLZ thanks for reading! this scene's almost over. ; D This story will go SOMEWHERE, sometime.