Page 5

Kristen Gudsnuk on March 11, 2009

Max is hute

oooh ahh he's massaging my back! I always have really tense muscles.
well this new page is out earlier than I expected– heh! more character development! Hope you don't mind all the text– this comic will probably have a running narration from Kazimieras, unless it's really bothersome to my lovely readers. Heck, even if my lovely readers find it bothersome, I'll probably keep it– I'm fond of my first person perspective :)
I think I'm gonna try to do something cool with the layout of this baby! idk what, though.
And you know what struck me as a really fun idea? having a contest!! :) like an art contest or something. Grand prize could be a link to your comic on my page, and maybe like $5 worth of advertising! And then runners-up could get their links on my page.
Lol I'm so broke, can I even spare $5? I went to the bank today, and finally deposited my christmas money because my debit only had 75 cents on it and my credit card is… full, shall we say. Which means I'm IN DEBT and my days of fanciful spending are over. I haven't made the move to tap water yet, but I'm considering making the move from smart water to deer park… or even worse… the no-brand water at 7-11. GASP!! But I've gotten quite pathetic in my other eating habits. I tried to make broccoli for breakfast/lunch but I really burned it BAD and stunk up the whole dorm, and couldn't eat it, and I was sad. And I was no longer in the mood for broccoli. So I had a piece of bread with some olive oil and salt. Just a piece (I only had a piece left.)
Then max came over with veggie burgers and we had ice creammm… so happy ending :) sweetie!!

Thanks again for the comments and the luv!