It could be worse, I could be Jeremy..

Kira Dwenna on April 17, 2007

First, I just want to revel in my two-posts-in-a-row-ness.

TECHNICALLY, Kira has an excuse..but technically not because she just plain missed …like the last couple of times.

..And she's done this before.. tsk tsk.

Whatever, I'm done. This is a concept sketch for one of my stories. There are several things you should note:

1) It is a concept sketch. It's basically for me to practice framing and consistency –which I know I'm really bad at. So, please grade it on a tehnical level, not an astetic one. An please do “grade” it. Constructive comments are most welcome.

2) I am left handed. You'll note that the frames are numbered. This is the order in which they should be read. I draw from right-to-left, not to be kitchy, but so that I minimise the ammount of dragging around my hand does in my work.

3) Jeremy is male. His cat is a robot. It “speaks” in voice recordings of Jeremy's own voice, so it sounds just like him. Jeremy is listening to an mp3 player, eating chips, and reading an otaku magazine. Those girls were having a bad day already.

…Anything else not clear? Please, comment, aks questions.