Ch. 8 Page 05

dragonsong12 on April 27, 2008

I bet that now that he's about to get an explanation he's thinking maybe he really doesn't want to know. Gotta love Jaith running ref in between the two. He really doesn't want to see them arguing over anything. After all, they are all he's got.
I also kinda wonder if Jaith actually knows this story. He might not, Tai's not really much of a talker. This might also be an excuse to get to hear it himself.

Well, here we go, this will be the meat of this chapter. Tai's backstory. It feels a little odd to me to put it here, it feels too early somehow, but no matter how I looked at it, this seemed like the best place.
I hope you guys don't mind the break in the action (“Action”? What?) to go into a backstory, but I felt that this one is important for understanding Tai's character - her motivations - and why she is the way she is. After all, we have a lot of development on Tren and Jaith (I like to think…do we?), but we still know next to nothing about Tai (And Ser-den, but that's for another day). It seems to have ended up longer than I anticipated as well.

Anyway, I hope you find it informative if not entertaining - a peek into the rest of the world of TM outside Tren's little bubble.

Thanks for reading! See you next week!