Ch. 8 Page 04

dragonsong12 on April 20, 2008

Someone's feeling a little guilty…

Well, I really didn't want to do this too much, it's so overdone in fiction, I didn't want Tren to mope around “Oh woe is me! I'm a horrible person.” Bleh, he's a little better than that. At the same time, however, given his character, I couldn't really imagine him not feeling AT ALL guilty. It'd be there a little, he wouldn't be able to prevent it. I think this is ambiguous enough anyway, it seems likely that he means himself, but depending on how you interpret it, it's not necessarily so.

And maaaaan, I really hated this page when I drew it…just…talking heads. Now I'm not against talking pages (I can't be, I've said it before, dialogue is my crutch) but it really really bothers me when the characters aren't moving much on the page. When they're just…talking heads. I have this problem where some days art seems so difficult, and I can't draw anything I try to, and then other days it just seems so effortless. (making me wonder how people can do it professionally on command) The original page was drawn on the former day, and it was inked on the latter. So I added in Tren pointing in panel 2, Jaith holding up his hands in five (though you can barely see it) and Tai crossing her arms in the final one just to have them moving a bit. I think it helped a bit, I hate this page far less than I did then.
Where are the bags they were carrying before? Did they leave them behind or did I just forget to draw them?

Also, I'm SO GLAD we're not in a town scene anymore. Organic backgrounds are SOOO much easier to draw because you don't have to design anything. Everything just has to be different. Aaahhh, it was such a relief!
Unfortunately, it's painfully obvious that I didn't plan this page for the amount of text I wrote…which I was really annoyed about when I went to put in the speech bubbles. I ended up having to cover everything up (and trying to place Tai's final comment…urg) so, if you'd like to see the page without any text (because I ended up liking it okay and it actually has a background) go here.

I guess that's all I've got…thanks for reading and I will see you next week!