Chapter 10 - "Betrayal"

dragonsong12 on March 1, 2009

I didn't have a title for this chapter until today, and when I realized I forgot that small-yet-vital detail, I spent a good hour trying to come up with a fitting title…eventually realizing that sometimes simplicity is best.

Anyway, this cover. It's pretty straightforward, the sunflower means “loyalty” in the language of the flowers. One of Tai-ra's major characteristics, so…yeah…not too deep here. XD
Tangent - I'm not a big fan of flowers myself (pretty as they may be, it's still a gift you have to take care of, haha) but I've always wondered why florists don't use the language of the flowers more. I mean it's a simple and effective way to not only give a beautiful gift, but one that has meaning. You could just put a little card explaining the symbolism with it and BAM! - perfect gift. If I even own a flower shop (HAHAHAHA! THAT"S A GOOD ONE!) I'll do that! (I don't like flowers, but I find the LotF fascinating.)

Anyway, chapter starts next week. This one's going to be a bit darker in a lot of ways, so I hope it comes out okay…^_^;

Thanks for reading! See you then!