Ch 21 Page 16

dragonsong12 on Oct. 14, 2013

This was what she came here to do, but she didn't think she'd actually succeed at it.
Well, we're back! I suppose you all can understand how annoyed I was that Drunk Duck had gone down during this part of the comic. Especially considering that TM didn't have a mirror site. Well, I've fixed that. After this latest Drunk Duck outage, I went and bought this comic a domain. Now, that doesn't mean I'm leaving DD, not at all, but the comic has been updating on time over at the new site, so this one is now about 8 pages behind. There are two options for reading it:
First, you can read it here, I'll be switing to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday update schedule until this site catches up to the other one.
You can go right to the new site and read it all there, starting from here. (You'll want to keep checking in at this site going forward for a while though, it'll be a little bit before DD catches up.)
In case you ever son't see the sites update when they're supposed to, there are a couple of options for getting information. Every page is posted to the comic's facebook page. I also post about any downtime and where current comics can be found on my DeviantArt. Or, you can just read at the new domain,, which will be considered the “main site” from now on, with this one serving as a mirror in case of problems.
That's it! Let me know if you need anything else! Thanks for reading, I'll see you on Wednesday!