Chapter 2, page. 6

Bii0 on Dec. 6, 2013

Oh my gawd guys, I am SO sorry. Things have been a bit difficult here, I just got done moving and honestly I haven't really been in the most cheery of states as of late.

I apologize this this page doesn't have much content on it, and it's kind of crap but I really wanted to get it posted.

I kind of have something really sort of important I want to ask, if you don't mind reading it.
( Link! )
You can answer either here or on the page in the link, even just a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ would help, although you don't have to answer or even read it if you don't want to.
It'd just really help.

Again, sorry for the almost 1 month late page, I'll do my best to get the next one up sooner. :C