Chapter 2, page. 7

Bii0 on Dec. 24, 2013


I SERIOUSLY did not realize that until I scanned this page, holy shit!
I apologize for the late page… again, I was a little flip-floppy with this one, as well my mom has been a little… needy? I don't really know what you'd call someone that wants you to look at shit on facebook that you've already seen on tumblr over 300 years ago, but it's something.
Anyways! No, this comic isn't a supernatural comic, Julian's just crazy. I'm going to give the excuse that his sporadic sleeping habits, naturally “the end is nigh” pessimistic demeanour and his borderline sexual attraction to working himself to death makes his brain nutzy-coocoo and since I'm half-assedly attempting to make this comic from the character points of view you as readers are going to be seeing some weird stuff from Julian's end (Don't worry, it only gets worse later on).

Sorry for the kind of messy page, the moist weather made the pencil marks obnoxiously smuggy and difficult to erase.