Chapter 2, page. 28

Bii0 on Oct. 28, 2014

Yay! Another page done. Actually I'm off work today with a mysterious cold that popped out of nowhere yesterday, so instead of resting and focusing on getting better I decided to get this shit done. Actually this whole week so far has been just all kinds of strange.
Me and mom went to visit my grandparents on Friday and just a couple of miles outside of town my jeep threw a rod, my grandpa was going to come pick us up but this cute little hayseed not even old enough to drink yet pulled up and helped us out. Poor thing got drug everywhere while we were looking for prices on a new engine, but we invited him to eat lunch with everyone so it wasn't too bad. The weirdest part was that he actually lives in our town, works and lives literally right across from where I work.
Very surreal, and despite that day was meant to catch up on this stupid basic design class that I haven't had time to do stuff for, and it being totally ruined. We were actually in pretty festive moods.

ANYWAYS! The speech bubbles in the last panel are coming from Matt's friends. If you remember those two chicks that like to make shit up in whatever page that was in chapter 1, that's them.

I'm surprised. There wasn't much to this page, got it finished pretty fast.