Chapter 2, page. 29

Bii0 on Nov. 5, 2014

So I have a couple weeks (had a couple weeks) off, which means I get to draw pages. Yay! Also sorry about the wonky look in this page, about three days ago I made a conscious decision to carry a dresser up a flight of stairs, and I'm pretty sure I sprained my wrist. Despite not being able to move it very well or hold certain things in certain ways, I still decided to draw because I'm just SO SMART.

Kids. KIDS! Don't do drugs.

Matt's friends and family are so sympathetic and caring, I'm so jelly.

Now I'm going to see if I can get the next page out before my sorta vacation is over.


@tupapayon: Oh you!
I know, that child is doing a terrible job of commanding Moses to command the Red Sea to part, they are obviously not cut out to play such a sophisticated game.