MayelV on Feb. 27, 2012

Well hello there! Guess who's back? Three weeks of nothing and I get back with a three-panel page. Lol I'm ashamed. But hey! It has a bit of action. And action means less panels.
I missed lurking round here. Hope everyone is okay and stuff!
By the way. TWC is back too (?) so please, VOTE FOR WDOD? ON TWC!! It's the blue button to your left. I suggest you don't click if you're drinking something. For your computer's sake.
@Mr Kaos: Very hungry!!
@dragonestea: Or guitars… or bitches with guitars.
@KingZombie999: Hahaha!! One delicious vanilla coke.
@man in black: Thanks hun! Hope you think the same about this one too.
@Spikes: Hahaha I love how many fans Behemoth has despite the fact that he hasn't done anything at all. Just chill and eat dogs. True form? Ohhh… My friend you're pretty perceptive ;]