MayelV on March 1, 2012

I'm not even apologizing. Please understand me. And PLEASE don't cut off my limbs. I like myself complete ._.;
So. Life has been super busy for me this month. Vacations #SOON
And finally. Finally we get to see Aja do something about something. What is Jose going to do? Is Cliff going to be sad that there won't be any more epic music for background? I really hope we find out soon.
Love you gais.
Please keep voting on TWC. I know that maybe I don't deserve it, but if you vote you'll get to see something nice (?) Something cute. Something with teeth.

Thanks for reading!
@hpcaty: Aw! Sorry I kept you waiting so long!
@man in black: Thanks!!
@KingZombie999: Oh,right. Four. Now I regret never watching Sesame Street. I cant count at all!
@tehwerr: Well thanks! Too bad I disappeared again. Enjoy more action!
@Mr Kaos: Hmm. It depens on which side are you…
@dragonestea: you just changed my life…