Page Six

Indybot on April 21, 2009

: It's looking like Wednesday will probably be a miss after all. If anything, there might be a rough, work-in-progress page up.

: In case anyone's wondering, Leech owns several pairs of gloves, not just the ones seen in panel three. (PS I beefed up the author's notes a bit, after all.)

I'd love to say more, but I usually write up the author's notes ahead of time while working on the page, and this one was sort of a rush job from start to finish. Tried a different method of adding in separately-drawn backgrounds this time.

The mystery of the gloves - revealed!
And on this page, we see evidence that perhaps Mitch's little spiel from earlier might not be as accurate as he'd like to think…

Remember last page, when I said I was still trying to figure out Leech's hair? BOY, is that ever still true on this page. But no matter.

Still dealing with the issue of scale, but I think I'm doing pretty well with it, for a newbie. I read a lot of comics where the characters seem to reside in cavernous, warehouse-like spaces (not that there's anything wrong with that! - it just kinda bugs me when there's no explanation for it), so my goal here was to establish a more “life-sized” feel for the house.
(Yeah, yeah, I know. Space-time pockets and fantasy creatures are no problem for me, but then I get hung up on believability when it comes to the mundane stuff. Go figure.)
It actually took me a little while to decide which room of the house to draw into the background. I went with the foyer. FYI, that glove box Leech was rummaging around in before is kept in the closet behind her. Minutia!

Really, it's all about panel four, though.

And just a heads up, the next two updates are both going to require a bit of extra work, too. I'll do what I can to get them up on time, but time is growing ever-shorter around here. We're probably looking at another evening update, at the least.

Happy Earth Day, I guess!
