Page 20

Indybot on Jan. 16, 2011

Took me long enough.

So here’s page twenty, kind of. It underwent some serious editing, and had a few scripted panels cut in the process. A good portion of this was drawn during Twenty-Four Hour Comics Day. Maybe someday I go back and re-insert those “deleted” panels. I met several thoroughly awesome (and talented!) folks there. It was a great environment for getting me out of my artless rut. Someday, I’ll have a job that doesn’t rob me of the will to live.

Also: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE It’s that guy! And wouldn’t you know it, as soon as I started scanning the bits for this page, I realized how I could have done an even better “rising out of the ground” sequence. Ah well. I’ll just have to have someone menacingly rise out of the ground again later. In fact, I think that’s how every character should enter any given scene: rising menacingly out of the ground. Even when they’re inside.

Stay tuned for Whateverland USA: Apparently Everyone is Zombies Now?

: I later realized that I'd posted this page on Martin Luther King Day. In retrospect, it seems fairly appropriate. Try to get along, everyone!