Trigger Warning

GreenKrog on Jan. 12, 2014

I really do mean it, every word. Wildflowers doesn't hold back anything in the experiences of the main character, and those in the world around her. Many of these experiences are based off of my own life, and the lives of trans*people I have known or lost.
There are many, much happier, much better drawn, more spirited webcomics and mangas that delve into gender dysphoria without the horrible nature of Wildflowers. I have linked some in the ‘other stuff I read’ area above. I also know others that have completed and are worth reading and are not listed above.
If you do decide to read, or stop here but still come to a bad place in your life, I really do mean it that I will be here. Any time of day, every day, if I get a message or a comment post, it is my only priority to make sure that whoever's lives I touch are sustained and can continue on. I've been in the dark places. I know how it feels. And I won't judge you, no matter how much you might judge yourself.
You are worth so much more than you will ever know. I hope that you can see that, if not now, than some day soon.
You are loved.
-The AnneKrog