Halloween Special

dgriff13 on Oct. 30, 2007

Happy Halloween everyone! Like SpANG said, every day is Halloween for these two, but now there's CANDY! And Fred can wear the costume of his dreams ;0)

And, yes, that is the very pumpkin I carved this year! Ain't it the best?!

I have a Halloween tradition that I've carried on from my mother. I make hot apple cider (with lemons, cinnamon sticks, cloves and honey) and buy some Dunkin Donuts donut holes.. and pass that out along with candy. On cold Halloween nights, it's just what you need… and adults like the “special brew”, lol.

Ah, memories. My mom used to hardcore decorate the yard with spider webs, props and spooky music. My dad may have even joined in the fun by tying a string to a blow-up skeleton sitting in a lawn chair and rigging it inside the house.. so when kids came up to the door, he'd tug the string and send the kiddies screaming off to the next yard. I think my dad just wanted the candy for himself.

Please, share a Halloween tradition or memory if you have one! I'd love to hear it!

P.S. please vote! My ratings are slipping lately over at buzzcomix, augh! Speaking of, my page views in the past week have been quite sad as well, I wonder why? Being in the top 100 DD comics lasted, like, 5 seconds.