PWITM contest #8 - sketch

dgriff13 on Jan. 27, 2008

It's that time again! Time for you kind people to do my work for me- write my comic! See? Not as easy as it looks ;0)

You guys should know the drill by now: leave your entry for this comic's dialog in your comment (or PQ me), and I'll pick my fav! Entries are due by Tuesday evening– approx. 10pm EST. The winner's entry and final comic will be posted Wednesday, and the prize cameo comic will go up Friday. Word.

For those who don't know, Z0)

I friggin' LOVED drawing Fred as a cowboy. L-O-V-E-D.

Alright! Get to it, you witty duckers!

EDIT: as Brock brought to light, one extra rule is that the previous winner is not eligible to win this time around.. although he/she can post some jokes all they want! C'mon, it just wouldn't be fair.