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Excited on Comics
Nullaby at 12:52PM, Sept. 20, 2009
posts: 2
joined: 9-5-2009
When I was young, there was a Comics Club held at my school during lunch hour. The girl who ran it had this incredible excitement for comics that I could never even begin to understand. Plus she was hot. Why wouldn't I want to attend?

Things got boring fast for me though. I tried to stick it out, but eventually left it.

In college, however, I slowly went insane, spending all my time making comics and eventually flunked out. I ended up more excited about the entertainment medium known as Comics more then even that particular girl had been.

I feel bad, having dropped out of that Comics Club because I hadn't the excitement towards comics that I needed to help her at the time. Try as I might, now with a Comics Guild I created recently in my area, I, like her, can't seem to inspire this unbelievable excitement onto others. This thing that drives us to stay up all night making posters. Painting on large Bristol board for examples. Or even just spending hour after hour on our own comics work.

Has anyone ever seen anyone else with this weird fascination with comics? Or with anything really? And how do you get other people to become so excited?

I really want to get people motivated to help express to the majority why comics can be so cool.

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:19PM
mlai at 5:54PM, Sept. 20, 2009
posts: 3,026
joined: 12-28-2006
Can we have her email? LOL.

FIGHT current chapter: Filling In The Gaps
FIGHT_2 current chapter: Light Years of Gold
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:06PM
machinehead at 8:13PM, Sept. 20, 2009
posts: 318
joined: 10-30-2008
My wife has an insane pair of cousins that are obsessed with reading not drawing comics. They are 32 and live with their dad who ended up moving in with his mom. They haven't worked in 5 years and act like they are far superior to everyone else. But other then them most the people I know are obsessed with drugs not comics.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:49PM
elektro at 8:16PM, Sept. 20, 2009
posts: 865
joined: 6-18-2009
I have a friend who loves comics, but sometimes I question his taste in them.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:21PM
Custard Trout at 11:17PM, Sept. 20, 2009
posts: 4,566
joined: 2-22-2007
Gosh, I wonder who, on this comic related website, could possibly be interested in comics? You're clearly in the wrong place.
Hey buddy, you should be a Russian Cosmonaut, and here's why.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:02PM
Ozoneocean at 2:13AM, Sept. 21, 2009
posts: 28,827
joined: 1-2-2004
I used to like looking at the pictures, but the stories were generally too short to keep my attention for long.

The only comics I really tend to read in paper form now are people's webcomics that I've bought online and had delivered :)

I read online comics only… because, well… I dunno.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:35PM
lastcall at 4:04AM, Sept. 21, 2009
posts: 1,358
joined: 11-3-2007
Has anyone ever seen anyone else with this weird fascination with comics? Or with anything really? And how do you get other people to become so excited?
I started a Star Wars fan club back in college. I was the only female in the group, and everyone called me Admiral Daala (my favorite SW book character). A few months after the group was started, the guys in the group kicked me out. Apparently they wanted it to be a guys-only club. Which was fine with me, because they were all douchebags.

Anyway, concerning comics, I used to have a boyfriend who was obsessed with them. He would stop by the local comic store every Wednesday night and talk for hours with his buddies about Hulk vs. Superman or why Brian Michael Bendis was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was a very dull affair and I could never figure out why he liked them so much.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:28PM
ipokino at 9:23AM, Sept. 21, 2009
posts: 161
joined: 2-25-2007
I too have been one of those weird Comic obsessed individuals. The funny thing was, I had many friends (military) who also read and enjoyed comics. What I didn't understand was why they weren't ‘obsessed’ with them like I was. The truth is, comics were a way of ‘living’ without actually being in the real world, for me. My friends were the X-men and Spidey. Real people just didn't add up, couldn't compare. The real life trudge in the military was a shadow existence compared to the excitement of swinging through criminal Manhattan on a thread! And so I ‘lived’ vicariously through my comics.
Then I got married, had a child, and suddenly comics weren't quite as important as the very real people in my life. And that is the way it should be. I lost touch with the comicbook world which no longer filled a space in my very real life.
But come full circle–now, with my child grown and a comic/anime fan in her own right, and a wife who looks on fondly at my silly compulsion, I now give a little back to the comic book universe which was once so important to me, and I obsessively make one!
Becoming obsessive about a comic book–or even a novelized world like ‘Twilight’ means letting that world become truly ‘real’ for you. Trust me, my comic book world with the 3J's Gang and the looming Ghoul threat, is about as real to me as it gets–and setting everything in the very real world in which I live day to day–just makes it better. Neither Marvel or DC could ever do that for me!!!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:02PM
mr_thin at 4:32PM, Sept. 21, 2009
posts: 30
joined: 9-10-2009
A few months after the group was started, the guys in the group kicked me out. Apparently they wanted it to be a guys-only club. Which was fine with me, because they were all douchebags.

That doesn't seem like a very good way to score with the ladies…

College guys who DON'T want to socialize with girls. Maybe they wanted to have a male love-fest and it would be awkward for all of them to whip it out in front of you. I can't imagine a better explanation, can you? ;-)

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:08PM
mlai at 5:45PM, Sept. 21, 2009
posts: 3,026
joined: 12-28-2006
A few months after the group was started, the guys in the group kicked me out. Apparently they wanted it to be a guys-only club. Which was fine with me, because they were all douchebags.
That doesn't seem like a very good way to score with the ladies…
College guys who DON'T want to socialize with girls. Maybe they wanted to have a male love-fest and it would be awkward for all of them to whip it out in front of you. I can't imagine a better explanation, can you? ;-)
It's a Star Wars fan club. What were you expecting?

FIGHT current chapter: Filling In The Gaps
FIGHT_2 current chapter: Light Years of Gold
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:06PM
Gillespie at 4:29PM, Sept. 23, 2009
posts: 194
joined: 2-23-2009
A few months after the group was started, the guys in the group kicked me out. Apparently they wanted it to be a guys-only club. Which was fine with me, because they were all douchebags.
That doesn't seem like a very good way to score with the ladies…
College guys who DON'T want to socialize with girls. Maybe they wanted to have a male love-fest and it would be awkward for all of them to whip it out in front of you. I can't imagine a better explanation, can you? ;-)
It's a Star Wars fan club. What were you expecting?

That's a good point. I hope I don't turn into that kind of person if I ever watch all of the Star Wars movies.

I used to pretend that pokemon actually existed when I was a child. I have/had a crazy imagination.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:36PM
ParkerFarker at 4:46PM, Sept. 23, 2009
posts: 1,451
joined: 4-29-2009
That's a good point. I hope I don't turn into that kind of person if I ever watch all of the Star Wars movies.
hold up, I think you made a GIANT typo just now, cause otherwise, you would be saying you've never watched all the star wars movies.

And to answer your question, I have never really been super duper excited about comics. I just like them… well… in fact, I really don't have many actual tangible comics, I just read webcomics.

“We are in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun.” - Blackadder
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:39PM
mlai at 6:36PM, Sept. 23, 2009
posts: 3,026
joined: 12-28-2006
hold up, I think you made a GIANT typo just now, cause otherwise, you would be saying you've never watched all the star wars movies.
Is it a life requirement to watch all SW movies? That CGI Clone Wars movie is a in-theatres SW movie too; I've never watched that (nor the CGI series on cable).

FIGHT current chapter: Filling In The Gaps
FIGHT_2 current chapter: Light Years of Gold
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:06PM
mr_thin at 7:42PM, Sept. 23, 2009
posts: 30
joined: 9-10-2009
Yeah, I've been excited about comics before. Not enough to start a club though, but enough to start a webcomic(s).

That's a good point. I hope I don't turn into that kind of person if I ever watch all of the Star Wars movies.

I used to pretend that pokemon actually existed when I was a child. I have/had a crazy imagination.

Just remember the philosophy: Ho's before Bro's.

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:08PM
mfc at 10:59AM, Sept. 24, 2009
posts: 45
joined: 2-23-2007
I've been trying to make a vlog about the comics I've been buying recently, but I haven't had time to make it.

I've been to busy making my own. XD
Johnny Err0r'd!
A comic by J. Robbins!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:01PM
parkbenchbook at 1:24PM, Sept. 24, 2009
posts: 229
joined: 10-28-2007
I'm excited on comics! And I would totally start a club, if I was excited about getting together with random people.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:38PM
mr_thin at 2:34PM, Sept. 24, 2009
posts: 30
joined: 9-10-2009
if I was excited about getting together with random people.

Does this mean you prefer to meet only people who've undergone a thorough background check?

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:08PM
ParkerFarker at 3:59PM, Sept. 24, 2009
posts: 1,451
joined: 4-29-2009
hold up, I think you made a GIANT typo just now, cause otherwise, you would be saying you've never watched all the star wars movies.
Is it a life requirement to watch all SW movies? That CGI Clone Wars movie is a in-theatres SW movie too; I've never watched that (nor the CGI series on cable).

no, really just the three originals. But once you see the three originals, it's almost impossible to not want to see more.

“We are in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun.” - Blackadder
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:39PM
Kristen Gudsnuk at 9:48PM, Sept. 24, 2009
posts: 1,338
joined: 10-4-2006
I don't think OP is asking ‘hey guys do you like comics?’… that's kind of a silly question.

No, I don't think I've known anyone as psyched about art/writing as me. most people tell me they're so impressed with my work ethic (not necessarily my creative output.)

Although I am a little obsessive, so maybe it's better that not as many people are crummy broken records like me. but sigh. I wish I had more irl creative people around me…
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
Ozoneocean at 12:28AM, Sept. 25, 2009
posts: 28,827
joined: 1-2-2004
Kristen Gudsnuk
I don't think OP is asking ‘hey guys do you like comics?’…
OK then, if that's the case I knew ONE guy who Lurrrrrved comics like an insane thing. He couldn't get enough of the things. I met him in art school, and when I visited his house and he pulled out two looooong white boxes filled with the things, all in their individual Mylar wrappers with a piece of stiffening card inside each one. I was shocked.
I'd never seen that many comics in one place before, let alone that well cared for o_O
Never in all my life.

He was a good freind, but a touch strange. He dragged me to my first ever comic shop, and then I saw what looked like all the comics in the whole world. Too many to count, too many to even comprehend!

And then he took me to see more comic shops… And toy shops that sold cool figurines. I hadn't been in a toy shop since I was little.
Apart from the comics, I didn't like the comic shops much. Most of the people in them were fat, hairy, smelly young men who didn't talk much, but when they did it was in a very intense, focussed way. Very intimidating.

I just liked looking at all the covers with girls in skimpy outfits and massive boobs. But the stories inside those comics never really lived up to the promise of the covers from what I could see.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:35PM
Syndactyly at 1:12AM, Sept. 25, 2009
posts: 13
joined: 9-24-2009
I used to be comic book obsessed. Bought a ridiculous number of graphic novels. Still have them all buried in my room… I'm thinking of selling the ones that are in good condition.

I was so obsessed I had to have a comic book/graphic novel with me at all times.

But now I just… like comics. They don't consume my life anymore. Although over the past few days I have been obsessing about finally making my own comic.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:05PM
parkbenchbook at 5:39AM, Sept. 25, 2009
posts: 229
joined: 10-28-2007
Kristen Gudsnuk
I don't think OP is asking ‘hey guys do you like comics?’…
OK then, if that's the case I knew ONE guy who Lurrrrrved comics like an insane thing. He couldn't get enough of the things. I met him in art school, and when I visited his house and he pulled out two looooong white boxes filled with the things, all in their individual Mylar wrappers with a piece of stiffening card inside each one. I was shocked.
I'd never seen that many comics in one place before, let alone that well cared for o_O
Never in all my life.

I've got three boxes and I'm shopping for a fourth. :spin:
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:38PM
parkbenchbook at 5:42AM, Sept. 25, 2009
posts: 229
joined: 10-28-2007
if I was excited about getting together with random people.

Does this mean you prefer to meet only people who've undergone a thorough background check?

Yes. It's as though your background cleared and you know me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:38PM
Ailorn at 7:26AM, Sept. 25, 2009
posts: 90
joined: 2-21-2008
I dont think im excited about comics… Typically by the time i get a page done im burnt out on it… I cant miss my daily comics though. When i was little the sunday funnies were the most pased around section. When i was in college my mom would still mail me a few clipped out that she thought i'd like. ^-^ My friends from college also still ask about the one i drew for the newspaper. I also have a bookshelf completely dedicated to manga… I'm lucky my husband is so supportive. He's actually my biggest motivator to keep at it. I guess i am pretty excited about comics. I dont know if there is a comics club around here though…
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:47AM
GracehFaceh at 7:51AM, Sept. 25, 2009
posts: 433
joined: 10-2-2008
I don't, since print comics aren't really my thing. I get much more excited over old books and such. I used to be really into reading the newspaper comics for a while, but my parents stopped getting the local newspaper. There aren't any comics in the fancy pants newspaper they get now.

My sister, on the other hand, collects comics and frequents the comic book store. She's just about every comic book nerd's dream, since she's beautiful and is really into the whole comics book scene. She hates immature guys, though, so they're basically shit out of luck. :P

She took me to the comic book store once and I was really uncomfortable around all the man children. She got mad at me cause I kept asking to leave. ._.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:38PM
Aurora Borealis at 11:48AM, Sept. 26, 2009
posts: 1,289
joined: 3-2-2008
I'm excited whenever I get to stumble upon something that I never saw before, a new unique creator or a genre or art style or “movement” (for the lack of better word).

Actually I'm obsessed with comics. Whether it's consuming or creating them, I love both. :D
Even if at times I'm a little bit lazy to work regularly :(
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:08AM
lastcall at 12:02PM, Sept. 26, 2009
posts: 1,358
joined: 11-3-2007
College guys who DON'T want to socialize with girls. Maybe they wanted to have a male love-fest and it would be awkward for all of them to whip it out in front of you. I can't imagine a better explanation, can you? ;-)

Sounds like a good explanation to me… lol!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:28PM
Nullaby at 10:13AM, Oct. 4, 2009
posts: 2
joined: 9-5-2009
Haha, thanks guys.

Also hope you're 24 Hour Comics Day went well :P

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:19PM
benjin at 5:56AM, Nov. 18, 2009
posts: 41
joined: 9-1-2009
I has a fascination for astrophysics that even my teachers weren't able to follow and math was my favorite subject. Then I met a real asshole teacher. He destroyed my enthusiasm for math. Today i have problems with complex mathematics and astrophysic is just a hobby amongst others.

Today, if I see someone turning a childs fascination down, I have a serious talk with him.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:20AM
lothar at 8:00AM, Nov. 18, 2009
posts: 1,741
joined: 1-3-2006
i guess i cant be that excited on comics , cuz im reading this forum rather than reading comics , or even, drawing comics

i gues basically i just want attention

im excited on being popular in the internet
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:45PM

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