Finding your style

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, June 15, 2018

When you look at a developed artist you can recognise their work straight away. Maybe it is in the way that they do their lineart, or it could be the facial expressions that characters have, (think the Dreamworks Smirk), or maybe it is the tropes that they use in their ...

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The Beautiful Bishies Collection

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, April 6, 2018

A few weeks back, Tantz, Pitface and I exposed our inner fangirls to the world on the Quackcast and divulged our past bishie crushes, Tantz revealing that her first love had been Rurouni Kenshin. This recently came into mind as Kenshin is now streaming on Australian Netflix so I thought ...

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Quackcast 366 - Spicy times with Albino Ginger

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 20, 2018


We have a very special Quackcast this week. We interview Albino Ginger, AKA Bo Knowles, creator of the hilarious and subversive Holy Bible The Albino Ginger Version! Bo gave a VERY generous donation to our Indigogo fund-raiser to help us pay for the a new comment notification and comment ...

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Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, March 16, 2018

I want to take a quick break for a second to talk about something creators go through but often don’t talk about. It is hard to see it coming and even harder still to lift yourself out of once you are there. This post is about addressing creative burnout ...

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A new coat of paint - The DD website design update!

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 12, 2018

Last year, our glorious leader Oz suggested that the site needed a fresh, new coat of paint to bring the community forward in the webcomic sphere. As a way to usher in a brand new year for the DrunkDuck community, we unveiled the new look for the website over at ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Mercenary Bound

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 29, 2017

Sometimes boredom is an enviable state. Unemployed mercenary Tameka is about to find out why, when the normal life she's built for herself is cruelly shattered and she has to take up her sword in anger once more… Tameka is a dangerous woman with a troubling reputation in her ...

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Running a comics website

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 20, 2017
tags: a, comics, Running, website

Hello all and sundry!
I am Ozoneocean as most of you know and I've been around this place for quite a while now. I joined up in 2003 and then again in 2004 and started posting my comics. I got more and more involved with the community over time ...

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Quackcast 335 - Dialoguecast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 15, 2017


Dialogue is one of the most important elements for storytelling in most webcomics (there are exceptions). But dialogue is often hard for beginners, writing out imaginary conversations to push stories forward, show characterisation, or expositions are skills that don't come naturally! Banes has given us a helpful newspost ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 3, 2017


Here are some thoughts on writing that smallest unit of a story: the scene.

First off, what is a scene? What defines that little mug?

It's Change.

Something changes between the beginning and end of a scene.

Here's a way to write one if you ...

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Mega Milestone: The Godstrain Brings Down the Final Curtain

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 31, 2017

What goes up must fall down; Where there is a beginning must also have an end; Every opening must have a closing. KimLuster's 437 page masterful comic, The Godstrain, has been a Drunk Duck staple since 2012 when it first started and eventually earning a Feature recognition at the ...

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