I had an idea for an upcoming story in my comic. It came from real life, in a way. I've noticed that I'm really, really good at rock, scissors, paper. Like, I almost never lose. So a tale in the near future will feature one of my characters ...
Farewell to Two Film Villains from Childhood
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 18, 2016
Last week marked the loss of two actors who brought my favorite fantasy villains from childhood films to life.
I was only a baby when Jim Henson's musical fantasy film, Labyrinth, was released in theaters. The fact that there were once home videos of me singing along to “(Dance ...
My New Year's Eve at a Nerd Convention
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 4, 2016
"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art – write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And ...
"Every revolution is sparked by an art movement"
HippieVan at 12:00AM, Nov. 27, 2015
Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys
That happens to be a line from one of my favourite albums, a combination CD/graphic novel from an obscure now-defunct South African hip hop group.
I think it’s pretty easy to understand how a South African group would come to that conclusion. When I ...
Those images that get stuck in your head
HippieVan at 12:00AM, Aug. 7, 2015
Is there a word for these?
I’m talking about those things that you automatically start drawing when you have a piece of paper and no specific ideas in mind. The images that find their way into the margins of your notebooks, onto napkins in restaurants…or on a whiteboard ...
Making Use of the Public Library
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 11, 2015
I live in a relatively small, suburban city that does not have an apparent central Art's District hub where creative energies flock like major cities. The closest areas for art inspiration are usually the laid back independently-owned tea shops or coffee lounges where local artists hang their art prints ...
Guest Post by Kroatz - How I'll Spend my Weekend
HippieVan at 12:00AM, April 3, 2015
I’m going to wake up, I’m quite sure of that. I’ve woken up many times before, and I currently have no real interest in changing that habit. So, first I am going to sleep, have some dangerous and weird adventures that I will either forget or repress ...