COMEDY - part two - Creating Comedic Characters

Banes at 12:00AM, April 20, 2017

Last week I looked at a theory of the “comedy premise” that has to do with crossing the mundane with the unusual.

Here's that post:

This week: Creating Comedic Characters!

Using the same principle as the “premise” creation, we can ...

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Quackcast 319 - Roll out the photocomics!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 18, 2017


Photocomics don't get nearly enough love. A while ago Banes did a great newspost on the subject where he did some great little promotional reviews of some prominent photocomics on DD. I thought that was a cool idea and I've been meaning to return to the subject ...

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HyenaHell at 12:00AM, April 7, 2017

We've all been there: all of the sudden, the trajectory of your own life seems to thwart you from your ambitions! Maybe it's obligations to schoolwork or your day job; maybe your partner or family; maybe you wind up homeless or awkwardly crashing on a series of couches ...

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Quackcast 317 - Hannagrid Wright Interview!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 4, 2017


Today we interview Hannagrid Wright aka 5thezombie! She's the creator of the great Sci-Fi webcomic To The Galaxy And BACK! -featured by Kawaii last year. To the Galaxy and back features Kat and Zoey, two girls that have been drawn together by fate, across the universe, to have ...

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HyenaHell at 12:00AM, March 17, 2017

Aight y'all, go ahead and fasten yer proverbial seat belts, on account of we got a lot of ground to cover with this one! Actually come to think of it there ain't really too many proverbs about seat belts; more like I'm stretching out a turn of ...

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When the Hero Fails

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 25, 2017

Failure is the stepping stone to success. That’s what I teach my students and my clients, and it is true, right up there with “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”: If you learn why you failed, you won’t fail again the same way- and that brings ...

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Good Starts: Beginnings, again.

HyenaHell at 12:00AM, Feb. 17, 2017

Welcome back, gang! Er, can I call y'all “gang”? Is that too informal or too assumptive about your willingness for complicity in my extra curricular activities? Eh, too bad. Once you're in the gang, there's only one way out. Now, while you're letting that sink in ...

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Boring Heroes, Fun Villains

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 4, 2017

It’s something so often encountered and/or mentioned in stories (be they comics or novels or film) that it’s becoming in itself a cliché: Heroes aren’t interesting because they’re straight arrows. Villains are fun because they’re the ‘bad boys’, the ones that can do all ...

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Of course I know what I'm doing.

HyenaHell at 12:00AM, Feb. 3, 2017

Every good story (true, fabricated, or more typically, somewhere in between) here in the City That Forgot to Care, begins with a thoughtful pause, a drawn out “Well,” followed by the phrase “what had happened was…”

“Who drank my beer?”
“Dude, what happened to your face?”
“Why are you carrying ...

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Hippie Van’s last-ever newspost

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 27, 2017

Hey everyone! And farewell, also.

When I started writing this newspost I went looking for the first one I ever did. It turns out it was in November of 2013 - that’s over three years of Friday newsposts! I don’t think I’ve ever kept a paying job that ...

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