Monday news - an interview, an award, and two milestones!

skoolmunkee at 3:10AM, March 2, 2009

Yet more interviews! I hope you've gotten into the habit of reading one every weekday (and a few on weekends too)! Today's new offering is Niccea interviewing SuperSymon (Writer) and MrHades (Artist) of Retake - and don't forget there are some that still seem a bit overlooked so ...

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Saturday news fix!

skoolmunkee at 6:40AM, Feb. 28, 2009

Today we've got an extra (special) interview done by some users – remember that interviews outside the Quack with the Ducks project are welcome!

So, today we've got Eddie Jensen interviewing the young and talented literacysuks1 of Acrobat! (It was recently featured, in case you missed it!)

Don ...

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Yet more interviews! Last of Round 4 - korosu interviews kyupol!

skoolmunkee at 2:59AM, Feb. 20, 2009

Today's Interview Forum reading is….: korosu interviewing kyupol of Brood Knight (3 flavors) and MAG-ISA!

OK, that's 5 new interviews this week. I won't post any over the weekend, so you have time to catch up! More coming on Monday!

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Community stuff and milestones! Because Drunk Duck wuuuuuuuvs you

skoolmunkee at 1:50AM, Feb. 14, 2009

Humorman still needs a few more people for the next Mafia game

There's also a whole bunch of recent community interviews in the Interviews Forum, they're some good readin'!

MagickLorelai's Alien Concepts has hit 50 pages at only 2 months old! That's fast!

Blood Bound by ...

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Monday's news a day early! Interviews and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 2:38PM, Feb. 8, 2009

Two new interviews are up!
PieGuy259 interviews Peipei of “The Faction,” “Deadfingers,” and “Herald King” - from Quack with the Ducks!
Sei interviews Tamerlane of “Get Up and Go” - independent just-because!

And there are a bunch more to read in the interviews forum!

Monday sees HiNaTa_fan_13's Tamera Ultima Seven reach ...

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Another interview is UP!

skoolmunkee at 10:15AM, Feb. 6, 2009

There is pretty much going to be a new one up every day for the next couple weeks, everyone- so you'd better start checking them out if you don't want to fall behind!

The newest one: alejkhan interviews Exzachtly!
And more in the Interviews forum!

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News on a Sunday?! Is it late or is it early? Does it matter?

skoolmunkee at 11:10AM, Feb. 1, 2009

The interviews for the third round of Quack With the Ducks just keep coming in! If you haven't read them yet, you should do so- because more are on their way, and rounds 4 and 5 are getting started! You can find them all in The Interviews Forum, and ...

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OK, pretend it is Thursday and this is the Thursday newspost!

skoolmunkee at 4:11PM, Jan. 28, 2009

OK, pretend it is Thursday and this is the Thursday newspost!

Because it turned Thursday for me 10 minutes ago, so I think that's okay.

Another creator interview is up! This time, BlkKnight interviews alejkhan (creator of Lola, Jump, and Fireborn)! So far they are 4 for 4 with ...

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Oh no the Mafia! (And milestones)

skoolmunkee at 9:11AM, Jan. 19, 2009

Hey guys! Do you like the the Mafia? Who doesn't? Black Kitty would like to get a game of Mafia running on the DD forums (and I want to play it but we need more people) so if you are interested you should sign up!

Today, I Think My ...

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A wealth of opportunity! Get interviewed, get printed, get involved!

skoolmunkee at 7:59AM, Jan. 17, 2009

A wealth of opportunity! Get interviewed, get printed, get going!

Well perhaps not a ‘wealth’ (which is a non-standardized unit of measure) but at least a handful!

Small Press Idol 2009 is underway! For the uninitiated, SPI is a contest where you can submit your comic through various stages, the ...

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