Hippie Van, Fullmoon Stories book, and lots of milestones!

skoolmunkee at 9:47AM, Dec. 7, 2011

Hippe Van is in our community spotlight this week! Perhaps it's partially the impression her username leaves on me, but she's always struck me as one of the most friendly, easygoing, and considerate people on the site. She can be sighted most often (by me anyway) in the ...

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Rokulily Community spotlight, and stubblemonkey and usedbooks milestones!

skoolmunkee at 10:00AM, Nov. 30, 2011

Ozoneocean says:
Rokulily is this week’s community light of DD’s life! This rocking lilly has proven herself quite an asset to our fine community over the time she’s been with us, contributing to numerous mafia games and whatever community projects she can get her scratchy cat-paws on ...

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Featured Comic -> HEAVY MECH

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Nov. 21, 2011

This is a world where all the men died due to a biological attack by aliens. The remaining humans managed to win with the help of their heavy mech technology, but now must try to find a way forward. Things seem to go a bit wrong when fighting mechs previously ...

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Just no point... Justnopoint is in the community spotlight! Character Development = 450

Ozoneocean at 12:03AM, Nov. 9, 2011

Skoolmunkee wrote:
JustNoPoint has been on DD for quite some time now, and he’s certainly made an impression! He’s tireless when it comes to supporting other members- he always has intelligent, positive things to say and he’s always seen in comic comments and people’s friends lists ...

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royduncan100, Utterly Rucked, Keeping up with Thursday, the meebo bar, Quackcast!

skoolmunkee at 4:00AM, Oct. 19, 2011

royduncan100 is kind of like DD's resident shock jock. He loves to get people's attention and rile up responses. I have no idea how much of what he does or says is genuine opinion and how much is designed to elicit reactions- he does like to play up ...

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Hawk, DD's 24-Hour Comics, King James Moneego ends, Vanguard's competition winner!

skoolmunkee at 4:03AM, Oct. 7, 2011

Something about Hawk just makes me want to write to his parents and tell them what a good job they did raising him. I feel like a better person myself just knowing him. Maybe it's because he's so great? He's level-headed, reliable, honest, positive and talented. He ...

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PIT_FACE, new Comic Awards, Radio Play, DD Awards, milestones!

skoolmunkee at 10:10AM, Sept. 23, 2011

Our resident firefighter PIT_FACE has a brash, rough-around-the-edges image (her comic PUTRID MEAT certainly helps that along!) but she's been an enduring example of the community spirit here on DD. She's been around for what seems like ages, full of humor and surprisingly sage advice, and somehow makes ...

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El Cid, DD Radio Play, Quackcast, and DD Awards Voting!

skoolmunkee at 7:23AM, Sept. 21, 2011

El Cid's avatar is a little spooky, and his main comic Death Porn could be described as infamous (as well as very popular), but don't be fooled! El Cid is a man who knows what he likes, and he seems to like being super nice and helpful. I ...

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Quackcast Episode 43 - Maxwell McDuff, Private Eye

skoolmunkee at 9:12AM, Sept. 20, 2011


Episode 43 - Maxwell McDuff, Private Eye

This extra-special Quackcast is all about ayesinback and the 2011 Drunk Duck Radio Play! A big effort by a lot of people, it's presented here along with a great chat with ayesinback, czarina of the project.

Topics and ...

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Abt_Nihil, Pegwarmers, and a TON of community stuff you can do!

skoolmunkee at 9:43AM, Sept. 16, 2011

from ozoneocean:

This Fridays community spotlight is Abt Nihil, aka Joachim Lipski
Abt has a whole HOST of fantastic, sooper, dooper, high quality webcomics and published books. He’s a webcomicer supreme, frequentely featured here at DD! Just check out his work, it’s all listed in his profile, including ...

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