How Horror Can Make Us Better Writers by El Cid

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 25, 2018

This is a guest post by El Cid, who was kindly enough to write one for us.

Check out El Cid's Transneptunian! (nsfw)

I don't personally view horror so much as a genre, but rather as an ingredient. A little dash of horror ...

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Organizing For Comic Making

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 20, 2018

Procrastinating is an art. I know it well for the past 7 years or so of making Without Moonlight, I have updated extremely sporadically. Some updates had months spanning between them. But this last year I've been producing steadily two pages a month. I know, I know, it's ...

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Character and subtext in horror

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 18, 2018

The Haunting of Hill House is masterfully done horror with humanity

The Drunk Duck Awards, 2018 are underway! Check 'em out here:

In the movie “The Innkeepers”, two clerks in an allegedly haunted hotel work on the last night before the place closes down. They ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Hacking Human

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 17, 2018

Hacking Human has such an intriguing title doesn't it? Selena is a thief, a very clever and sexy one that works with computers and wears a skin tight black catsuit. Her partner is a disembodied floating head named Heinrich, he just happens to be a ghost. Together they make ...

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Support DD and be part of the Renaissance!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 13, 2018

DD is always improving and getting better!
We've JUST now had an upgrade to give us our own webcomic ad system so we can support ourselves again as well as some other features that I'll tell you about, but first up we've got a new Patreon! Now ...

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Beginning your plan!

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Oct. 12, 2018

When it comes to creating stories or comics you get one piece of advice that is now standard and that is, when it comes to making a story, you’ve got to plan it out. This means creating an outline, doing thumbnails, correcting and editing dialogue and creating pages in ...

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Advertising With Us!

Ozoneocean at 6:00AM, Oct. 11, 2018

DD needs your support! Advertising with us is a great way to do that because it can get your work seen by a whole lot more eyeballs, which is what every webcomicer wants.
We have Skyscraper, Leaderboard, and Rectangle ads available. There are also some good options through Patreon, where ...

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Shaking the Pillars part 1

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 11, 2018

Shaking the Pillars part 1 - Losing the Lead

The Walking Dead is apparently killing off its main character this season - this is the guy who's been the main guy since episode 1 about 8 years ago. This is not a spoiler - it's all over the Internet, the promos ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Smell the Roses

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 10, 2018

Mark is the mechanic for a rocket-ship searching for a habitable planet. His crew is in luck because after a hard lesson on gravity they have reached a new planet where they do not need to wear helmets. There are a few uncertain things lurking on this planet that Mark ...

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