Episode 437 - Old Warhorse

Jul 29, 2019

Today we cover the interesting trope of the “old warrior”. This was based upon a newspost Banes came up with last week. He was thinking of Captain Picard in the latest Star Trek series and he also brought up Luke Skywalker from the latest Star Wars movie. The “Old Warrior” makes a really cool protagonist, in this Quackcast we try and discover why that is…

Topics and Show Notes

Well we came up with a few insights!

-First up, the “old warrior” is often a side character in the secondary role of a mentor, i.e. someone there to hand things over to the next generation. Personally I think that's the most boring way to use them, they work FAR better as a main character rather than support for one.

-Second, the “old warrior” has mostly been traditionally male but doesn't have to be, there are some great female ones like Ripley in the Aliens series, Laurie from the latest Halloween movie, and Sarah Conner from Terminator 2 and the latest version of that series.

-Thirdly, the “old warrior” doesn't HAVE to actually be old at all, all they need to quality is to be experienced, to be a veteran of the type of situation they're facing, and to “know death”, they can be a child soldier and still qualify.

-And that brings us to number four: “knowing death”. This is interesting! Your usual protagonist generally seems to think they're immortal, but your “old warrior” doesn't. They've seen death, probably a few too many times and managed to escape unscathed so far, but they know it's always drawing closer with every step they take and diving into this new mission just might be the end of them… every new adventure could be their very last. This adds an unusual frisson and spice to their story.

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Sunstrike and Bluemist, an origin story: Plotting, sneaking, stealthily creeping, sidling along in the shadows. Action, danger covert missions, and secrets! This jaunty tune is the perfect spy theme.

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Featured comic:
The Great Khan - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2019/jul/23/featured-comic-the-great-khan/

Featured music:
Sunstrike and Bluemist - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Sunstrike_and_Bluemist_An_Origin_Story/, by ShaRose49, rated T.


Banes' Old Warrior newspost - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2019/jul/21/the-old-warrior/

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Pitface - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/PIT_FACE/

Episode 436 - Master of none?

Jul 22, 2019

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To become truly successful at one thing you need to focus on that alone. Is it worth it? There are MANY calls on our time with all the side things we like to do, ESPECIALLY webcomics. One of the few ways to become a really successful superstar at any one thing is to start dropping all the other things that call on your time and devote all your energy to that one thing! Then you can push past all limitations and devote the effort and time needed to properly succeed.

Episode 434 - Where do your characters exist?

Jul 8, 2019

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This time we're chatting about settings and where your characters exist in space… where does all the action happen in your comics and WHY does it happen there? Bane's had the really novel idea of thinking of story settings as action playsets, which are toy settings made based on a TV show or movie where you can play with action figures and act out key moments FROM the TV show or movie: Unlike a dollhouse they only have the key sets where the important things happen.

Episode 426 - Sidekicking

May 13, 2019

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Inspired by Emma Clare's Friday newspost about supporting characters, today we're discussing sidekicks! Sidekicks are a useful character type that are used in so many different ways. They can be a specialised type of supporting character that are also a main character or they can be the main protagonist in some cases. In comics sidekicks came in during the early days as a way of giving juvenile readers their own insert character who they could identify with… Bucky Barnes, Jimmy Olsen, Robin etc. They had other functions like giving the hero someone to save, providing commentary, reaction and exposition. Later when that kind of sidekick fell out of favour they became superheroes in their own right.

Episode 424 - Selling your creative dish

Apr 29, 2019

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On one side we have creators of content and on the other we have the consumers. The consumers number in their billions and they're voraciously hungry for constant stimulation! Pretty much all creators are consumers too… So why don't they want the beautifully made, clever, spicy, artisanal dish you're selling? Why do they prefer the nice, bland, familiar mass-market high in fat, sugar and salt fast-food of the mainstream instead?

Episode 422 - Positive promotion and controversial characters

Apr 15, 2019

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The entire gang comes together today for two topics that were taken from recent newsposts: Emma Clare's Positive self promotion, and Tantz Aerine's Handling Controversial Characters. First up we chat about why it's always a great idea to sell yourself positively, NOT be arrogant or douchey, but rather by talking enthusiastically about what you genuinely love about your work and using that REAL and SINCERE enthusiasm to infect others with your love of what you do. Emma was mainly talking about the way you introduce your comics to friends and family but it definitely applies more broadly to self promotion in general: Don't try and get sympathy through self depreciation (oh, it's not very good…), and don't be an arrogant ass (My stuff is AWESOME!), rather you should just be honest about what you love about it (This story was so FUN to write!).

Episode 419 - The Rating Game

Mar 25, 2019

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It's the rating game! Yeah! This Quackcast was inspired by Emma Clare's newspost on Friday about rating levels. On Drunk Duck we have 4 rating levels so they're nice and simple: “E” for everyone, “T+” for teens, “M” for mature, and “A” for Adult! We talk about why ratings exist and how to use them.

Episode 417 - Can we be better?

Mar 11, 2019

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What is Social Marketing? Basically its word-of-mouth and viral marketing smashed together and weaponised: Marketing companies hijack hot-button social issues and hitch their client's brand to them in clever campaigns (“We can be better”, etc). The purpose isn't really to make a brand seem progressive, modern or new, rather it's another way of getting it trending on social media that's guaranteed to work, unlike the legion of hit or miss but mostly failed “Viral” campaigns. Whether people say negative or positive things about this issue is irrelevant to the marketer, as long as people are talking about the brand is all that matters. Free advertising is the goal, but it has a social cost.

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