Episode 242 - Scary Monsters or Serial Creeps

Oct 26, 2015

Continuing with our Halloween themed Quackcasts for the month of October, for Quackcast we decided to try and record a full length video of the event, with most of us dressed in hastily assembled costumes. The subject was about the different kinds of antagonist in horror films and which ones people like the best. We had many contributions from people! We even have a full length video of the entire Quackcast. It's not great because I'm STILL learning with this stuff but here it is, probably the only full length vid of a quackcast I will ever do: https://youtu.be/Q8ZSBFqgXiE Gunwallace has given us a smoky, groovy, late night rocking tune for the vampy comic Blood Bound!

Episode 225 - To Fan-service or not to fan-service

Jun 29, 2015

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Today Banes and I talk about the subject of fan service in comics (and other pop-culture). This Quackcast was inspired by a newspost by HippieVan of that same title. We're helped in our discussion by the really interesting contributions of many smart people on DD... that we read out in High-larious voices! Is fan service a good thing? How do you think about it in stuff you read and see? Do you put it in your own work? Why? Why not? These were some of the things we talk about on the subject. Also, catch Gunwallace's great theme for Grueson!

Episode 221 - Banes goes Bananas!

Jun 1, 2015

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Banes is home alone in the studio this time while Ozoneocean was away gallivanting around the globe… he's joined by intrepid security guard Bravo, who saves him from a fate worse than death. Together they chat and gabble away about things and stuff, primarily inspired by the topic “Why do you do a webcomic?” Together they manage to find out. Reading the contributions of many fine DDers really helped along with that though! Gunwallace provides a great theme for Clockwork Atrium too!

Episode 203 - The clothescast

Jan 26, 2015

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Clothes maketh the man! If that man is a scarecrow... This Quackcast is about drawing clothing. Two esteemed gents from the Drunk Duck repertoire of experts offer their advice on methods for drawing bodies sheathed in garments. Bravo1102 and Ironscarf are two very worldly and experienced men, as they lounged deep in the dark wood panelled cosy confines of the DD private members club, they discussed the tricky subject of convincingly rendering character costumes. Ironscarf traced circles in the air with his custom made talbot pipe, illustrating his descriptions in smoke. Bravo, a fat cigar in one hand, brandy tumbler in the other, chortled into his voluminous beard as he offered counterpoints. It was a lively chat, but for the purposes of this Quackcast Banes and Ozoneocean have re-voiced their parts to protect their privacy: As you're no doubt overly aware, both men are the targets of numerous legions of female stalkers.

Episode 199 - A look back at 2014

Dec 29, 2014

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OMG! It's the last Quackcast of 2014! Well Banes and Ozoneocean decide to do a half arse YEAR IN REVIEW! Oh yes, a mighty look back at the year that was 2014... We look over some of the notable Quackcasts and comics that we could recall for the purposes of this particular Quackcast topic at the time when we were recording. Thank goodness for the internet because neither of us can actually remember much of what happened during the year without it. So sit back and tolerate our gala celebrity edition (Ozone and Bases are the celebs), for the year in review! Also, Gunwallace has done a wonderful old timey Jazzy nior theme that YOU WILL LOVE!

Episode 177 - Charby the Vampirate forever!

Jul 28, 2014

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Guess who we had on THIS week? It was Amelius and Evil Emperor Nick! The husband and wife powerhouse behind some very popular comics on DD including Charby The Vampirate and Cwen's Quest. We haven't had them on since Quackcast 10 and 11 which have unfortunately been totally wiped from the interwebs... But that doesn't matter so much since you can hear them both afresh now and they have some goo stuff to say, including talking about the newly revamped version of Charby on charbythevampirate.com that's only up to 50 or so pages as well as the new related project Here there be monsters. We apologise for some slight technical difficulties, but Amy and Nick were good sports anyway and it was a an enjoyable interview!

Episode 170 - The REAL Chatcast!

Jun 9, 2014

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Kawaiidaigakusei came up with a great idea for a call-in show… That didn’t entirely work out so we did a “Harassment show” instead, where we phoned various duckers till we could finally get someone to talk to us. Seriously, we were desperate! All the people we called utterly destroyed us on our running fridge gag… Tantor tells us about the neolithic days of webcomics and the early days of DD! Such comics as User Friendly and watching porn comics on an Amiga! Kawaii hit us with some profoundly interestings questions on making money vs doing what you love, the madness of creative people, and how much your creative product can influence you emotionally and how much it needs to in order to get you interested in creating it. And finally Mr Neil tells us about using Mark Crilley’s how to draw videos, his great superhero comic Dasien, and an artist’s need for feedback from other creators in order to stay interested in their work. He also talks about his work with Kittyhawk, author of SGVY.

Episode 154 - Abandoned Webcomics Nostalgia

Feb 18, 2014

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It's one of the great tragedies of webcomics the way ‘real life’ so often gets in the way of our comic work. This Quackcast was inspired by HippieVan's newspost about webcomics that disappeared into the atmosphere or deadended into nowhere... Hippie joins Ozone and Banes to discuss the topic of comics ending before their time, comics we miss, comics we need closure from! Why do they end like that? Have you got abandoned work under your belt? Will you ever come back and finish it? What are some of your forgotten faves? Bellow are a list of ours

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