Episode 154 - Abandoned Webcomics Nostalgia

Feb 18, 2014

It's one of the great tragedies of webcomics the way ‘real life’ so often gets in the way of our comic work. This Quackcast was inspired by HippieVan's newspost about webcomics that disappeared into the atmosphere or deadended into nowhere... Hippie joins Ozone and Banes to discuss the topic of comics ending before their time, comics we miss, comics we need closure from! Why do they end like that? Have you got abandoned work under your belt? Will you ever come back and finish it? What are some of your forgotten faves? Bellow are a list of ours



SLK8ne at 9:28AM, Feb. 19, 2014

I agree with Ozone. I always try to leave a comment on something I liked on the page, either in the art or the dialogue. Its always good to know what works on a page.

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