Episode 102 - Banes and Ozone's Bogus Journey

Nov 5, 2012

For Quackcast 101 and 102 now and the coming of Halloween Banes and I returned to the theme of horror, opening the subject up to contributions from the community! We start off with a tale of horror and fear from the cold, white frozen north... And then diving back into the subject of horror pop-culture, delving into many other interesting sidetracks along the way like people with weird eyes and other standard horror techniques. Again Banes was our editor and musician, outdoing himself masterfully with his SFX and amazing horror music... This week, staring Ozombieocean, Ghoulmunkee and Pains!

Episode 97 - Snotmunkee Brings the News

Oct 2, 2012

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This Quackcast is a grab-bag of things. Mostly newsy stuff and chats with Skoolmunkee! We talk about how Wowio is dying to promote DD artist's stuff through all sorts of social networking stuff like Twitter, a Youtube vid chanel, tumblr, Facebook, Google + etc, HUNGRY for user news!!! We also talk about this new thing we want to try with DD: Hangouts on Google+ with DD people- basically video get togethers that will be broadcast at the same time on Youtube, we can all draw, do comics, learn, teach, whatever. AND we want vids for the Wowio-Duck-Popgalaxy Youtube channel. They could promote your comic, be a short tute on your methods, a comic review, anything DD comic related.

Episode 95 - Kawaii Daigakusei Confidential

Sep 17, 2012

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Our very special guest this week is the lovely Claire Leona, known as kawaiidaigakusei on DD, she's the author and artist behind the long-running comic Kawaii Daigakusei that was recently featured! Kawai Daigakusei is about a young woman growing up and finding her place in the world. Learning how to have relationships, learning about the world of art, and indulging in her passion for videogames and fast cars. In this interview we get into some behind the scenes info about leona's comic, we learn what inspired her, where real life ends and the comic begins, what it's like to produce such a large body of work, and how what she's learned in her comic has helped her in her proffessional life and vice versa! We also have Bane's wonderful rendition of Gunwallace's Character Development song. You must not miss it.

Episode 91: The Quack Always Casts Twice, 2012 DD Radio Play

Aug 20, 2012

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Banes introduces the 2012 DD radio play! Maxwell McDuff must face his most diabolical trial yet in... THE DUCK ALWAYS QUACKS TWICE! He's joined by many other notable and fiendish characters in this new and epic adventure involving anvils, Maltese quails, crocodiles, and terrifying torture! This fine story was written by Gunwallace, organised heroically by Ayesinback and edited together by Banes. This story of the amazing Maxwell McDuff and many other characters was the product of many hours work and organisation by many different participants. Before the play there are some great interviews with members of the cast, but if you’d like to jump to the play, that starts at 38.41 minutes.

Episode 88 - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

Jul 30, 2012

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This is a Quackcast segment that visits old forum threads... funny ones. Well, at least ones that Banes and I found amusing; Gems like "how does your brain say people's usernames?", "cool facts", "UFO stories". Banes and I read these wired and funny thing and try to BE funny as we do it... that's harder than it seems, and I don't think we always manage too well, but at least SOME of the time there's SOMEthing to laugh at! - even if it's just the two idiots yammering away on the podcast.

Episode 86 - Ghosts of Features Past

Jul 16, 2012

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Our idea was to revisit some of the interesting featured comics from the past years... We picked features that appeal to us and that are still on the site, commenting about what we like and don't like about the art, writing, design, style of humour, type of story, and the genre.We hope this will be an interesting topic to revisit in future Quackcasts too. The feature spotlight is fleeting and only happens once to a comic, then they sink away again, so it's worth having another look at the great and wonderful glories of the past to see just how great and wonderful they were! I'm joined again on the Quackcast by my personable and friendly voiced co-host Banes!

Episode 71 - Institutionalised Superheros, Screenwriting: Part 4

Apr 2, 2012

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This is the 4th and last of Banes' screenwriting tutorials. We round up here with the final two story genres; "Superhero" and "Institutionalised", rounded out with some more useful time and tricks on writing in general! This series has been part of the Quackcast screenwriting month, beginning with Quackcast 68 and ending with Quackcast 71. Aaaaand we also have all the voice tryouts for the aspiring actors that want to be a part of the 2012 DD radio play! We'd love you to vote on your faves for each role- just write down the number you like for each and email your vote to drunkduck100@yahoo.com, or PQ them to http://www.drunkduck.com/quack/compose/?user=ayesinback or just write it here in the QC comments!

Episode 67 - Journey to the centre of the story!

Mar 5, 2012

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Today we have Kroatz with us; A highly intelligent writer from the Netherlands who explains the concept of the monomyth and how to use it to tighten and improve your story writing. He's so bright in fact that he makes Ozoneocean look rather dim, which is embarrassing for Ozone, but he gets over it. We give examples of how monomyth applies to great movies and books like Scott Pilgrim VS the world, Star Wars, and The Lord of the Rings, just to help you understand it better... totally NOT to confuse you even more. Totally. And yet again we have brave, loyal, and heroic Banes to thank for the clever editing, especially his fine work with the DD soap, which ironically breaks every single rule of the monomyth paradigm.

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