Episode 465 - Planning Vs pantsing!

Feb 10, 2020

There are a couple of approaches when it comes to making a big creative project: planing it all out or working things out as you go i.e. flying by the seat of your pants. Well in reality it's a spectrum and those are the two extremes. Most of us work somewhere between those two, sometimes with more or less planning etc… I've tried a lot of different mixtures myself!

Topics and Show Notes

Improvising as you go can be thrilling, it can really keep the creative juices flowing. It works best when you have a really good idea of the world you're working with, the characters and how they think. The downside to it is that you can easily lose focus and hit a creative brick wall. It also means it's harder to make big, coherent story arcs with clever ideas, good structure and payoffs for loyal readers. This approach is best for comic strips or very experienced creators.

Planning everything is a good way to go if you want a nice tight story with a good structure and pay-offs for readers. If you create this way you'll always have a direction to go in and won't really run into any blocks. It's also easier to get team members on board to help you. The disadvantage is that it takes a lot of work to set it up at the beginning and if you plan too hard you can lose motivation when you're creating things because you're just working to a per-determined plan. This approach is best for graphic novels, team projects, or commercial projects.

Most of us will work somewhere in between. I used to fly by the seat of my pants and just work pay to page… I've also tried working from a fully written script. At the moment I work from a broad outline: I know what happens in the full chapter and the action on each page, but not what the action looks like or how many panels I should have. I've let myself have some creative freedom so my creativity isn't stifled and I can develop tings as I go without being too restricted- but my main plan is always there to go back to when I need it.

What's your method?

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Dozer Manifesto - Start your engine… The sound of the powerful diesel motor as it comes time life… you can smell the fumes. Dry, dusty, industrial, rocky, the guitar thrums with a mechanical rhythm, hot and fast.

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Planning newspost - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2020/jan/29/planning-ahead-vs-the-thrill-of-discovery/

Featured comic:
The Second Crimean War - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2020/feb/02/featured-comic-the-second-crimean-war/

Featured music:
Dozer Manifesto - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Dozer_Manifesto/, by Arborcides, rated T.

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/

Episode 454 - Are Marvel movies "Despicable"?

Nov 24, 2019

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This week we look at the famous quote by respected film director Martin Scorsese that “Marvel movies aren't Cinema” and also the quote by fellow director Francis Ford Coppola that Marvel films are “despicable”. We try and look at the proper context of these remarks outside of the twitter garbage and social media outrage to see if either had any point or whether they're way off the mark and deserving of criticism.

Episode 451 - Fans who criticise are are good fans

Nov 4, 2019

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“Toxic fans” is a bit of a catch cry now and that has seemed to turn into the idea that any fan who is critical of something or doesn't like it isn't a “true fan”, fans must should love everything. I find this a dangerously silly notion and one clearly driven by business interests with only a limited relationship to reality. It's quite similar to the idea that you're “either for us or against us”, the twisted idea of “patriotism” that says you must agree with and love everything your country and your leader does no matter what or you're a traitor.

Episode 445 - Copyright and You

Sep 23, 2019

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Copyright is a complicated thing and something that all creators should have a little bit of a working understanding off! Checkout my newspost lined bellow for more info! you need to know this stuff. I must apologise… I hadn't had much sleep and it was very late so I occasionally drift off into nonsense during the Quackcast.

Episode 434 - Where do your characters exist?

Jul 8, 2019

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This time we're chatting about settings and where your characters exist in space… where does all the action happen in your comics and WHY does it happen there? Bane's had the really novel idea of thinking of story settings as action playsets, which are toy settings made based on a TV show or movie where you can play with action figures and act out key moments FROM the TV show or movie: Unlike a dollhouse they only have the key sets where the important things happen.

Episode 433 - everyone is a beginner

Jul 1, 2019

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Today we chat about a furore on Twitter focussing on a artist who made a tutorial about the differences between the line work of beginners and advanced artists. Many people identified their art style with the work described as “beginner” and took extreme offence at that characterisation. It's the contention of Tantz that “beginner” is not a dirty word. We're all beginners at something. We can all stand to learn things.

Episode 432 - How to get more readers

Jun 24, 2019

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Just Banes and I for this one! Today we have 3 topics: 1. Being positive and how that really helps us in online communication and social networking, as well as giving a boost to those we talk to- very important in comic communities. 2. How to get more eyes looking at your work. We always need to build our audiences! 3. Updates for drunk duck to modernise the site… We're going to have to raise a lot of money for this! How is the best way?

Episode 426 - Sidekicking

May 13, 2019

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Inspired by Emma Clare's Friday newspost about supporting characters, today we're discussing sidekicks! Sidekicks are a useful character type that are used in so many different ways. They can be a specialised type of supporting character that are also a main character or they can be the main protagonist in some cases. In comics sidekicks came in during the early days as a way of giving juvenile readers their own insert character who they could identify with… Bucky Barnes, Jimmy Olsen, Robin etc. They had other functions like giving the hero someone to save, providing commentary, reaction and exposition. Later when that kind of sidekick fell out of favour they became superheroes in their own right.

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