SS5 01 A New Start

skyangel on June 6, 2013

Hi everyone,
Hope we still have some readers left after the break!!! I know it's been a while and it'll take time for some people to realise we're back again but I'm a bit of a slow train anyway aren't I so the stragglers will have more to read when they realise we're moving again.
After 5 yrs of almost continually thinking about the next comic page while trying to get the latest done I was so desperate for a break and it's been lovely. This final chapter is a pretty complex one too in places so I had to be sure everything was written out properly first and then laid down in the correct order. I am an erratic person and I have been lured in other directions way too often while doing this comic but SS always was and still is so very much a part of me so regardless of the readership numbers or the possible financial rewards this has always been a great excuse for me to just pour my thoughts and feelings down on paper using my little bunch of characters to speak for me.
This will be the final part as I've already said and the script is already running at 100 pages in it's most basic form so it'll probably take about 2 years of updating to finally wrap this up for good. Thankyou again for all your wonderful support even during our absence, I hope you enjoy this final run. :)