SS6 05 Nikki's Dilemma

skyangel on Nov. 20, 2016

Towards the end of chapter five, several readers asked me if Nikki will go for the re-assignment ops etc so I felt I had to do a page to try and highlight some of the main stalling factors and regrets I've picked up from both sides.
Most transgender people I've spoken to who most resemble Nikki, dream of having the ops but fear how much their lives will change because of it as
acceptance by those who matter most can be awkward and then of course there will always be the question of facing ridicule and hostility.
Of the few I know who have had the ops, the general message is always that it was all worth it but I sense that to voice regret would not bring them any sympathy. Either way it does seem to me that this idea of identifying gender dysphoria at as early an age as possible is the perfect solution as the body cannot only adapt much better but also that person really will have a lifetime of memories worth keeping.

Next Week: It's back to the mansion to find out how Sarah is coping, now she's become a resident there!

Have a nice week :)