Public Profile


member since March 03, 2009


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Comics By Ghaleon

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Comics Assisted By Ghaleon

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Comics Recomended By Ghaleon

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

A group comic by Nekodragon, Ghaleon, and Ferix. A good place for all our charecters to hang out together and to post our pictures that we think turned out nicely. Ya know, fanpics and teasers and alternate storylines and shtuff.

In the future, even machines will need an angel, and one girl is there to fill in that job position, her name is Angel Love; and her dream will cause a whole cyborg city to erupt into a massive gang war.

Four teenagers from an ancient and inhuman race are suddenly and unexpectedly cast out of their home by mysterious circumstances.

Mostly my own slightly warped view on Life, Death, and the world in general.. Not really, this follows the lives of Death (Steve) and Life (Bobby) Along with the other mythical/magical beings that clutter up the place

Ghaleon's friends

  • Sijo
  • Joff
  • Volte6
  • xcentrikz
  • iggynore
  • Amelius
  • Sureea
  • Ferix
  • nekodragon

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By Ghaleon

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