Public Profile


member since June 06, 2009


Name: Nina Elizabeth Stone

Nickname: Beth

Online Alias: Kingdom (or variations of Kingdom when the original is not allowed)

Age: All you pedos would just LOVE to know, Im sure.

Gender: Well, Ive been Female since I was born so Im kind of hoping that wont change.

Things I am Known For: Drawing, Reading, Roleplaying, Daydreaming


Author (Youre all so lucky I know this–so indecisive): Tamora Pierce

Musician: Eeeehhhh, maybe later.

Songs: Lets Dance To Joy Division by The Wombats ; Fireflies by Owl City (gods, I hope I spelt that correctly)

Artist: I, unfortunately, cannot remember his name

Word: Synthesis (3!)

Animal: Cats, Really Tiny Owls With Big Eyes That Are Just So Cute, You Want To Steal Away Home And Never Give Them Back (Saw one at Omaha Zoo once, SO adorable!)

Color (almost forgot): Dark Blue… Dark shades of colors in general, but mainly Blue

Snackage: Cheez-its - If anyone tries to take them from me… It gets messy

Drink: Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey

Anime: … Please dont make me pick…

Manga: Um, current favorite would have to be One Piece. :D


When people follow you and they dont say anything, but mooch off of you in games and in life

Illiterates - they annoy the hell out of me

Movies that are porn porn porn disguised with a flimsy, worthless plotline

When people dont leave you alone when youve already threatened to disembowel them with a rusty spork

Zombie haters. Enough said.


Ill add more later. Ish.

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A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

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  • Volte6

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