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Bugs and suggestions roundup thread!
Ozoneocean at 5:22PM, May 10, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Yes! Last night (my night) I was informed by Alexey that he'd implemented some bug fixes.
I will list exactly what a bit later when I'm up and at work, or after work… When I can basically.
But for now please tell me if anything is broken. The front page updates? :(
last edited on May 10, 2016 5:23PM
Amelius at 11:43PM, May 17, 2016
posts: 394
joined: 1-6-2004
Just so you're aware, I just got a comment from one of my readers; I linked to a bonus that's in my imagelocker here and they said it was giving their computer a “malicious site” warning. Could be nothing, but if there's an issue with Amazon I thought you should be aware just in case! Hopefully just a hiccup but if it's something, well ya know to look out for it!

…it would REALLY suck if people are getting run off this site by malicious site warnings so it kinda worries me!
Ozoneocean at 4:41AM, May 18, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
From quick research I've done that sort of thing seems to be done by 3rd parties: sometimes if people have AVG enabled to protect their webbrowsing or some other online protection like that it has false positives.
In other cases it's a malicious 3rd party pretending that sites have issues in order to redirect the user somewhere else.

What was the link to your bonus image?
Was it directly from the DD link or was it through a URL shortner or something?
Also, they may be viewing DD through a 3rd party URL, like this site: - or something much less obvious.

All I'm saying is that it's very unlikely to be Amazon or DD, and I've heard about “safe browsing” protectors being more and more unreliable these days.

I would still REALLY love a screenshot and/or the exact URL of the warning page and the image link they used. :)
Amelius at 12:37PM, May 18, 2016
posts: 394
joined: 1-6-2004
Yeah, I found it puzzling myself since the site has been pretty clean lately, what with the ad network switched to something more trustworthy!

Nope nothing fancy, just a direct link to the image from my locker!
Here's the url I used
I can't post images in my notes on my site, and thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and link to the image directly while displaying it in my notes on here.

I'd ask for a screenshot but I changed the link already, i can ask them a few follow-ups but I dunno if they'll see another reply. Yeah, it's frustrating when dealing with something as vague as “malicious site warning” because that could be a number of things not related to it.

I kinda assume it's 3rd party stuff myself, but figured it's worth bringing up in case it's something needing to be looked into. It's reassuring to hear that it's unlikely to be from our site though!

Ozoneocean at 4:04PM, May 18, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Thanks Amy!

You know I think it woul d be an avg search protect function using an old filter lust from back when we had our crappy adds:)

Btw, our top ten list is fixed now and lists comics by views! Hippie doesn't have to manually change it herself anymore.

The default comic list is also by views. The list will surprise and sshock!
Unfortunately search functions also list by views, which is not as helpful…
Amy_Of_Darkness at 5:10PM, May 18, 2016
posts: 13
joined: 2-28-2016
no prob, just doing my part to make sure the site's ok! Curse that old ad network though, we all got so much crap over that…(◕︿◕,)

Oh yeah I noticed the change, I was wondering if it was that! I was confused ‘cuz most of the comics are on hiatus! Hopefully some stuff that’s updating starts pulling in more hits, now that it's working again I hope it will motivate some action in there!
Ozoneocean at 6:12PM, May 18, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
At the moment the rank is by views- which was the easiest to do and for me to think of… That means comics with a big archive have a BIG advantage.

I've asked for the rankings to be by uniques, but because we don't have a counter for that it's a BIG change to ask for, so it will likely cost extra money.
My own fault for not thinking ahead :/
Amelius at 1:23PM, May 19, 2016
posts: 394
joined: 1-6-2004
Aw don't beat yourself up about it, having had to deal with my own site there's just so many factors that don't occur to you until it's staring you in the face! And I DEFINITELY understand the issue of figuring something out right when you DON'T have the money to implement it, haa!
Ozoneocean at 11:20PM, May 26, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
It's ok, I've paid extra money for that and for some other features to be added :)

One new change that people may notice is that looking at this
NOW you see the post count as well as the last posts that were active in each forum! Woooooot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ozoneocean at 4:09AM, May 31, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Yet another DD update-

1. The front page and comic ranking now excludes comics that haven't updated for 4 months. Those comics will pop back into the ranks when they DO update again though and they can still be seen in a search or on their own creator's profile pages etc so they're not hidden by any means. Also, if they were high in the ranks without updating then they obviously have no need for the exposure that gave them.

2. The forum overview page now lists the last person to comment in that forum, plus the time and date stamp, not the thread they posted in. Alexey misunderstood me when I asked for that extra info. What do you think, should the thread title come back?

3. The project wonderful code was updated to newer code… HOPEFULLY we'll get more ad revenue because we took in less cash than it costs to pay for the site AGAIN this month even though there are more people visiting the site.
Prototype at 1:27AM, June 1, 2016
posts: 46
joined: 5-23-2008
Great update. Keeps the front page and Top10 fresh and active.
Ozoneocean at 7:54AM, June 2, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Another DD update:
Pagination for PQs has been enabled now, so if you've got hundreds of the things (or thousands like me) you can now read them ALL and it won't slow down the site.
last edited on June 2, 2016 9:58AM
El Cid at 9:26PM, June 2, 2016
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
I love the fact that we've finally fixed the Comics Search so that it actually works, and that the Top Ten is actually a legit Top Ten… but I'm not crazy about the sorting system when I go to search for comics. The current search page gives preferential treatment to comics that have already been successful funneling people in. From a user standpoint, as someone looking to discover new comics rather than being force-fed the same popular ones over and over, I'd rather the Search feature just list comics in terms of most recently updated, plain and simple. If we want to have a Comics Ranking page, that really should be a completely separate feature.
Ozoneocean at 11:56PM, June 4, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
That's a good idea El Cid… unfortunately Alexey has moved on to other tasks now.
You can still access them by selecting the updated options and searching with a blank field.

In future what well do I think is have a “more” link on the top ten, quail's random and the updated list that will take you to the appropriate rank lists.
El Cid at 3:25PM, June 5, 2016
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
That would be really cool.

Searching with a blank field still gives me comics ranked by (I'm guessing) hits or uniques or whatnot; they're not chronological. But it's not a huge problem; just kinda irked me. I usually make time towards the end of the week to do a quick search of what new comics have posted that week, and it used to give a tidy listing (alphabetized, I think). Now, the order's a little bit wonky, but it's not the end of the world. I just know I have to skip the first page or two because it's all going to be established comics that I already know about.
Ozoneocean at 6:36AM, June 15, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Another new thing is a commin'

This one is a popup notification that you have a PQ. It will look like this:

And it will go in the middle of the screen as soon as you get a new message, informing you in real time. You won't have to close it or click it, it just goes away when you browse away from it- though you CAN close them if you like or click on them to go to your inbox.
There will also be a setting feature so you can turn these off for good, but they will be on by default because it's pretty harmless.

They only show up once when you get a new message and never again, not until you get another message.

The little number of “personal Quacks” in your mini-contronl panel on the right will go to red when you have 5 or more PQs.
THIS stuff should hopefully facilitate communication on the site a bit better…
So people who only even comment on comics will be able to see when someone contacts them finally!
bravo1102 at 6:00PM, July 17, 2016
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
I've noticed that the notice of preloaded pages will appear on the front page and in my favorites, but if I go to the page the last page is still there until the server updates (?)

For example, We are the Duck just appeared on the front page with an update. But page 8 (last week's update) is still there as the latest page . I will not see page 9 until after 3am ET or so.

So the notice of update shows up on the front page at UK time but I won't see it until after midnight Pacific Time zone or so?
last edited on July 17, 2016 6:01PM
Ozoneocean at 10:47PM, Aug. 4, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
We currently have quite a problem with the “recently updated” list on the front page of the site: only comics with the update time of 05-08-2016 at 12am are showing up- and it's not even that date yet, going by the server time. I'm not sure why this has happened… I'm guessing it might be because of the ram upgrade yesterday and it will fix itself when the the 5th really does click over on the server clock, but I can't be sure.
Ozoneocean at 8:33PM, Aug. 5, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
bravo1102 wrote:
I've noticed that the notice of preloaded pages will appear on the front page and in my favorites, but if I go to the page the last page is still there until the server updates (?)

For example, We are the Duck just appeared on the front page with an update. But page 8 (last week's update) is still there as the latest page . I will not see page 9 until after 3am ET or so.

So the notice of update shows up on the front page at UK time but I won't see it until after midnight Pacific Time zone or so?
Sorry Bravo, you are right here, I missed this…
I've be asked Alexey to look into it.
Genejoke at 1:17AM, Aug. 6, 2016
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
has anyone else had trouble when moving pages around? I moved one by accident and now I can't set it right, no matter what I do pages will not go in correct order. It seems random whether it moves one or two spaces when I click the up or down arrows. Sometimes it moves it, but also moves other pages as well.
Ozoneocean at 2:00AM, Aug. 6, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Which comic? The page may have been received the same order number as another in he backend by accident.
shastab24 at 7:12AM, Aug. 6, 2016
posts: 370
joined: 12-20-2007
Yesterday and today I've had a PQ alert at the top of my screen about a new message (same one, as I didn't click the X), but there's no new message in my inbox.
Ozoneocean at 7:57AM, Aug. 6, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Just reload the site and it will go.
Or hit f5 or control F5
Butthe reload icon on your browser will do :)
Genejoke at 12:24PM, Aug. 6, 2016
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
ozoneocean wrote:
Which comic? The page may have been received the same order number as another in he backend by accident.

We are the duck. I have some pages preuploaded so i can delete and re upload but if there's a bug then best to look into.
Ozoneocean at 1:06PM, Aug. 6, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Genejoke wrote:
ozoneocean wrote:
Which comic? The page may have been received the same order number as another in he backend by accident.

We are the duck. I have some pages preuploaded so i can delete and re upload but if there's a bug then best to look into.
Fixed it.
It was as I thought- for some reason one of the pages got the same sort order number as another.

Was that because you were moving them pretty fast maybe, and the system got confused?
I just need to try and understand what causes the bug.
last edited on Aug. 6, 2016 1:07PM
Genejoke at 2:45PM, Aug. 6, 2016
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
when moving them it was a case of click once and wait for the page to refresh, except when I first did it as I tried to go back and undo it before communication completed.
Ozoneocean at 8:38PM, Aug. 6, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Ahhh… That makes sense! I wonder how we can fix that automatically. Hmmm
Or maybe even just have a link to PQ me about it to fix it.
El Cid at 5:57PM, Aug. 8, 2016
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Are you guys doing some maintenance to the site? Because the updates are all screwed up.

I tried to post a comic this evening (around 7 p.m. local US Central time), and it didn't show up on the front page. The comics that are actually on the front page right now (Jonathan Quackup, Sin City, Men in Black, Johnny Bullet, etc.) are not even currently updated (Johnny Bullet last updated on August 2).

Because I have some of these comics on my Favorites List, I can infer that these are all comics which have been preloaded to update tomorrow. For instance, Jonathan Quackup is listed on my Favorites as updated on August 9… even though it's still August 8. Why are these preloaded comics showing up on the front page today, and without the newly updated pages, and why is my current update not showing up at all?

last edited on Aug. 8, 2016 6:00PM
El Cid at 6:19PM, Aug. 8, 2016
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
EDIT: Jonathin Quackup just added an August 8 update. But the same still applies to all the other comics on the front page right now. They haven't updated, in some cases since July, and in the Favorites menu, they're listed as updated August 9 (which is tomorrow).
Ozoneocean at 7:19PM, Aug. 8, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
See a couple of posts further up in the thread-

I've asked Alexey to sort it but haven't heard back yet.
The display system seems to be running to a different time to the update system.

No response at all from Alexey… I'll wait a bit longer.
last edited on Aug. 9, 2016 7:25AM

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