MonkeyMafia on Aug. 2, 2009
Say WHAT!? Featured? O' happy day!
Thanks a million to everyone who's read and commented. Big thanks to skoolmunkee for the feature and everyone who has spread the news about it. I have to say though, that this wasn't by any means a solo effort. I have to give muchas credit to my sister Holly, otherwise known as Eviltwinpixie and the author of GROG. She helped me out when all my deadlines were coming at me and introduced me to the whole concept and helped me write it. Thanks sis!
Oh yeah, this is the piece I presented for my uni project. The hardback copy.
Look out for my next effort, a 10 page short comic which will start uploading very soon. I will go back to a traditional comic format for it.
JediAnn Solo at 7:34PM, Aug. 4, 2009
A well-deserved feature. Great job!
Dan at 6:26PM, Aug. 4, 2009
That was the most beautiful dialogue-less story I have ever experienced.
Stig Hemmer at 4:02PM, Aug. 4, 2009
Great story, excellent art! Should be an A+
df_karnovski at 3:31PM, Aug. 4, 2009
Great story ^^
Eviltwinpixie at 3:05PM, Aug. 4, 2009
PuPP- from my experience, a depressingly short amount of time. -_- We'd be talking about it, and we'd be all "THIS IS A GREAT IDEA!" and then a couple of hours later he'd show me the finished page. :'(
The PuPP at 2:05PM, Aug. 4, 2009
How long does it take you to make one of these pages?
loulouloulou at 11:02AM, Aug. 4, 2009
Beautiful artwork :0-)
Skitsafrit at 9:31AM, Aug. 4, 2009
Wow, that was awesome!
warefish at 6:35AM, Aug. 4, 2009
Oh wow! I want!! [size=8][i]that'd better be published and sold for real...[/i][/size]
Chameleon Kid at 2:35AM, Aug. 4, 2009
Sah-WEETNESS! It's awesome to see it in hardback, it just looks so classy. 8)
Ted The Terrible at 10:23PM, Aug. 3, 2009
Congrats on the feature. I saw this on the Flight forums and really dug it. Well done.
theorah at 4:51PM, Aug. 3, 2009
oooh lovely, I like the look of this comic! thats the yummy thing about comics, plenty of room for visual experiments and new things! ^_^ I look forward to what else you may draw :) Hope the Uni project went well! Are you on a course specifically for comics? I live in England, and Im doing a BA in 'sequential illustration', are you doing something similar?
alanajoli at 4:18PM, Aug. 3, 2009
The final looks beautiful! Congrats on the feature, and good work all around!
Stevarooni at 4:04PM, Aug. 3, 2009
Beautiful work. :) Thank you!
therealtj at 3:10PM, Aug. 3, 2009
This was absolute genious.
curlpop at 3:06PM, Aug. 3, 2009
Absolutely fantastic!!
Abt_Nihil at 1:23PM, Aug. 3, 2009
This looks gorgeous. Definitely worth its weight in dollars!
fukujinzuke at 1:21PM, Aug. 3, 2009
clever! Now get it published so I can buy a copy at my local book store!
Eviltwinpixie at 1:21PM, Aug. 3, 2009
Lemniskate- It's not, but he went as insanely far as to give each bill a different serial number! It's all in the details with him. He livesi n England, so he doesn't have access to many dollars. If he DID have that many, he should give them all to me! ;)
Lemniskate at 1:08PM, Aug. 3, 2009
Is the binder made of real $ notes?
HybridLemonade at 12:33PM, Aug. 3, 2009
just beautiful, the art in this was devine! I'm in love man.
crazyduck at 11:11AM, Aug. 3, 2009
Good job!
DefaultNick at 10:41AM, Aug. 3, 2009
great story, thanks for adding one more good work to dd! Now im gonna wait for the henchmen.