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mayshing on Aug. 2, 2011
2Masters is moving out, we are now on and Smachjeeves.It will no longer be updated on DrunkDuck.
JazylH at 6:32AM, Aug. 5, 2011
Will check it there for sure. I guess the new Duck isn't working out too well. :(
giovanni at 5:27AM, Aug. 3, 2011
awwww nuts!
Zephyrion at 2:29PM, Aug. 2, 2011
Time to make a new bookmark then.
JazylH at 6:32AM, Aug. 5, 2011
Will check it there for sure. I guess the new Duck isn't working out too well. :(
giovanni at 5:27AM, Aug. 3, 2011
awwww nuts!
Zephyrion at 2:29PM, Aug. 2, 2011
Time to make a new bookmark then.