Testing, 1, 2, 3...

soonmme on Oct. 30, 2011

Hey guys! just noodling around with the idea of a new comic(just a thought though! I'm not gonna do it unless I assure myself I'll actually maintain it and blablabla) but I figured I'd share this with ya'll.I'd apreciate if you guys could tell me which panel's speach bubbles you perfer(they're all different, trust me). Also any advice/ideas/tips/suggestions for the new comic would be apreciated.(The new comic would be a spiritual sequal to this one…that is to say, no canon plot ellements or characters, but some themes and stuff would cary on or something…and it might dawn a similar/knockoff name lol)Oh and feel free to ask me questions about my life and shit I guessI srs hope I don't get you uys' hopes up only to not go through with this…