Chapter 1 Page 17

StephODell on April 8, 2008

Mood: Withdrawl
Listening to: The washing machines working in the other room


So, my internet went down on April 1, which was why Akakami was late to be updated to DeviantArt. I felt really bad about that.

Ahh, such a simple page, and yet so difficult for me. It's also the return of the poster. You know, THAT poster. >>

Copy/paste art is never my friend, but it can be handy sometimes. And I still LOVE the new shading style. It's so SMEXY. x3

It's cold in this room, and this laptop is annoying. I want my internet back, darn it! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!

(Well, maybe I shouldn't have overloaded our bandwidth…)