Page 359

EmilyTheStrange on Aug. 8, 2007

Concerting the last page:
She's not eating an icecream, its a coffee with lots of whipcream. :3


A little explanation of Alexa's family background: Alexa isn't Korean or anything, her dad's in the military. She is technically the product of a one night stand in Vegas in which her mom (who was on a bustrip vacation from Clevland) married her father (a service man working on a base in the desert who had the night off and got wasted)in a drive threw chapel and consiquently produced Alexa. Her dad still has no recollection of the night after his third martini, though a DNA test proved Alexa was his. When she was 6 months old her father was “relocated” to a base in South Korea telling her mother that he'd come back to the states as soon as he got the chance. However by the time Alexa was 3 he had admitted to Alexa's mom that he never loved her, had fallen in love with a Korean lady, gotten married and had a child on the way. They got divorced over the phone.
Alexa's mom has since remarried and had another kid but still holds a grudge against her exhusband. Her mom is very clingy and really thought they were inlove. >o>


I don't really like the paceing on this page. I think I'm going to draw a page inbetween this page and the planned next one to make it flow better. >>'

Thanks as always for your comments! YOu have no idea how much I appriciate them. x3